Jesy wanted to cry now. He was being so stern. Also, she did not want to not get to hang out with Sairah. Sairah was sooo cool! "Okay but can I go over to Leigh's on Saturday?"

Jade shook her head strongly. Wrong time to ask Jessica.

Mr. and Mrs. Thirlwall stared at each other for a moment. It was like they were having a conversation in their heads about what Jesy asked.

Jesy wanted to get used to the dogs. Plus Sairah invited me. It would be rude if I didn't show up.

"We'll think about it." Said Mrs. Thirlwall. "Go off to your rooms now girlies- Jadey are you finished with your food sweetie?"

Jade nodded though barely anything was eaten.

"The poor thing. We'll buy you some more appetite boosters over the weekend." Mrs. Thirlwall took the younger girl's plate and brought it to the sink.

Jesy got up first and waited for Jade. She then started running to the stairs. "Race ya!"

"No!" Jade hurried after her sister but ended up tripping on the staircase.

"No running on the stairs girls!" Their father shouted.

Jesy stopped at the top of the staircase and went down to help Jade up. "Sorry Pickle." She started dusting Jade off and kissing her.

Jade let Jesy help her to the girl's room.

When they got inside, Jesy took a seat on her bed while Jade took a chair and brought it closer to Jesy so they could discuss how this little date went.

"Okay so what happened?" Jade asked while crossing her legs.

Jesy smiled. "It wasn't that much. Sairah brought us to her friends. Some of them are gay like us. Yeah so she brought us to them, they all got really excited and called us cute and then one of them called Nicole tried to help us to understand that being gay isn't bad. I don't feel so scared anymore. They were really nice. Nicole is lesbian and she's not dead so . . ." She shrugged. "I understand it better."

"So . . . nothing inappropriate happened right?" Jade found that Sairah looked kind of edgy too. It's in a good way as well as a scary way.

"Nope. Her friends look scary but they were all nice. All they wanted to do was hug and kiss Leigh-Anne." Jesy giggled. "I feel like all Sairah talks about with them is her. It's so cute." She remembered when Sairah lifted her up. "Oh and Sairah's a great big sister! I want her to be my big sister because she was so nice. She picked me up and spun me around and I felt so loved." She breathed out happily. "I don't know why Mum and Dad seem so worried about it. I was just out with my girlfriend and her sister's friends." She winked at Jade.

Jade seethed when she heard Jesy use the g-word. "Alright so it seemed as if nothing unsafe happened so . . . that's good." She rubbed at her chin. "Why is it that you suddenly want to go over to Leigh's on Saturday? We had planned for her and Perrie to come by remember?"

Jesy chuckled. "Yeah I know but Sairah wants me to go to her house."

Jade felt left out. "No. If you're going over there then I've got to come too." She did not want to uninvite Perrie but she didn't want to stay home alone with the blonde without being able to see what Jesy was up to with Leigh-Anne either.

Jesy shook her head. "Me and Leigh have got a lot of things to talk about as girlfriends so we can't have you there distracting us." She lay on her back.

Jade felt hurt by that. Leaving me out are we? She stood. "Mam and Dad aren't going to allow you to go out to her house Jesy. They don't trust Sairah and I feel as if they don't trust her dad either. That means that you'd be stuck here."

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