Just Choose

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This story is FINALLY coming to an end. It took me forever to figure out the ending! I have one more chapter after this!! Sorry this took soooooo long to post and it's so short. I was contemplating adding more to this chapter but I was so stuck I decided to just post it since you've waited so long. Anyway, the final chapter will be up soon. Promise. Enjoy!

"Hey Mione." Ron intervened as Hermione was on her route to the Gryffindor common room following her while continuing the conversation she was attempting to escape. "I think it's about time you make a choice." He whispered, looking around carefully to make sure there were no eavesdroppers.

"Make a choice about what?" She asked playing dumb. The two hadn't spoken in days which is pretty hard to do considering they were in the same house and shared a common room. Meanwhile Hermione and Ginny had talked. They had done much more than talk if you know what I mean.

Once they reached the common room and Ron had scoped it out for lurkers he said (rather loudly)- "Don't play dumb with me Mione. Make a choice already. Me or Ginny. It's not fair to keep us both hanging. Just make a choice." He stormed off into the boys room and she to the girls.

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