Ron's Reaction

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Sooooo sorry everyone! I've been super busy. I started this chapter and then never finished it! Ahhh I'm the worse I know. Hopefully you don't hate me too much. Anyway enjoy.

The two stood in complete horror unable to look at the boy.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ron confronted.

They quickly backed away from each other and faced the one they had hurt.

"Ron let me explain..." Hermione started.

"No! Is this why you're been pulling away from her Mione? Here I thought I was being a good boyfriend by giving you your space but I guess that was my mistake." Ron was yelling now.

"Ron I'm sorry I should have told you I just... I couldn't. I couldn't tell you cause-" The almost sobbing Hermione was cut off by Ron on his rampage.

"Because what? Please tell me why you couldn't tell me you were 'dating' me and sneaking off with my sister. With my sister Mione!"

"I should have told you." Hermione pleaded.

"Yeah, you should have. But you didn't." Ron turned his attention onto Ginny instead.

"And you. You know this hurts coming from Hermione but you? Wtf Ginny! You're my sister! Aren't you suppose to have my back? I'm your own flesh and blood Gin so what the hell is wrong with you? How you could you do this to me? What is wrong with you? No seriously what is wrong with you that you'd go behind my back and sleep with my girlfriend! That's low even for you."

"Excuse me? What are you talking about even for me?" Ginny defended herself against the raging Ron.

"I mean you've done some crappy stuff Gin but this is way over the line."

"You know what Ron! I'm done hiding. And I'm done putting up with your shit." Ginny stood her ground as Hermione watched at the terror that was unfolding before her.

"You're done putting up with my shit?" Ron when right back to yelling. "I'm done putting up with your shit! And I'm done putting up with you." Ron turned and walked away but not without shouting back "I'll see you in hell!"

Forbidden (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora