The After-Math

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I know the previous chapter was weird but a lot was revealed.  I've been trying to think about were to go from here. I wasn't really sure what direction to go from the last chapter so sorry if this took a while to post. Thanks.

It wasn't long before the entirety of Hogwarts knew that Ginny faked her memory-loss. Of course no one knew the full (true) story except for her and Hermione. That Ginny faked forgetting Hermione because they could never be together and in Ginny's head that was the best way to end it. Maybe not the best, but the easiest for her.

Hermione however was less then pleased with the way that their "breakup" had played out.

"Hermione please, can't we just talk about this. I know it was wrong, I know it was but come on! How long can you stay mad at me for? Please Mi!" Ginny begged as Hermione emerged from her room that morning. It had been about a week since the "grant reveal" and Ginny was starting to accept that Hermione wasn't going to forgive her for what she did. But Ginny wasn't going to let Hermione go without fighting for her. Not again.

"One: Don't call me Mi. Only people who are close to me get to call me by my nicknames and you are not. Two: You should know that it was the wrong thing to do! Cause it was. Surprisingly enough ya didn't know it then! But ya do know! I'm so proud of you for finally noticing when you have crossed the line. And Three: You pretended you didn't know me so that you could get out of being in a relationship with me instead of just telling me. That's a new level Ginny even for you. Maybe it was fine for you, even easier for you to handle but not me. No it made everything harder for me Ginny! So I really don't want to hear it right now ok? Because I'm done with you. I don't know why you can think that I would possibly forgive you for this but I can't be in a relationship with someone who clearly has no sense of what's right and wrong. You hurt me Ginny. In a way that no one else has or even could. And maybe that's my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have given you so much power over me. But I trusted you. I loved you. And you betrayed me. That I cannot forgive." The two stood inches apart Hermione with her death stare echoing sadness and Ginny with her tear stained eyes and her visage of regret, staring deep into each other's eyes with such force that the two felt they were the only two people in the world.

Unfortunately they weren't. The two were broken away by a soft voice in the distance. One they both noticed instantly. "Relationship?" The mysterious voice was none other then Ronald Weasley.

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