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Hermione (thankfully) made it through her potions class with Potter, without being confronted by her since- first- year best friend. She was able to hide in the back and hopefully avoid getting questioned for most of Snape's incessant lecturing about some potions crap. He really would be better as a defense against the dark arts teacher since he was the darkest and cruelest person she's ever met. Definitely better then the bloody fool that taught her first year. Quirrell was his name. What a coward.

The class felt longer then usual since Hermione wasn't her normal, answer every question and always pay attention, self today.

School just started to feel useless. Like it didn't really matter what she did anymore.

Her first couple years at Hogwarts, Hermione was determined to be top of the class, get perfect grades and most importantly, make her parents proud. But she was already failing them with her secret. About Ginny.

She hadn't told them about her and Ginny yet. She was planning on it but then realized that they probably wouldn't accept her for being... her.

Since she was already failing her parents, Hermione realized that she shouldn't stress about what grade she got in potions class.

And everything that she had worked for. Worked to be. Didn't seem too important either.

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