Hermione's Dream

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Hey guys! I'm so glad that some people are really getting into this story. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy with school. I just wanted to say I really appreciate the comments and I almost forgot to update until I got a comment reminding me. So thank you and here it is.

She was running.
She just kept running.
No end in sight.
No path ahead.

"Who are you?" The deep monstrous voice boomed. Was Hermione running from someone? Or something? What could it be?

Suddenly a wall shot up in front of the frightened girl. Trapping her. For there was no way around, or above the cemented bricks.

Hermione spun around quick, whipping her wavy brown hair behind her and pushing herself deep into the cold stones.

She willed her eyes open for a second, only one.  But long enough to see a dark, hooded figure. Floating.

"Who are you?" The frightened girl muttered. "Who are you?" The figure stayed quiet its head down.

The eyes still shut tightly, Hermione heard for the first time a deep hoarse voice answer: "Why don't you love me?" "Why are you doing this to me?"

Hermione, baffled at the abnormal questions, responded with a : "what are you talking about?"

"Why are you hurting me like this?" "What did I ever do to you?" "I just love you." "I've always loved you." "But my sister?"

Hermione's eyes shot open as her blood ran cold. "What?"

The hooded figure raised it's head to reveal the unknown attacker to be none other then her boyfriend. Ronald Weasley.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Hermione continued to mutter through her gut- wrenching tears.

The figure had no sympathy. It lunged. The figure landed right in front of the the huddled mass shoving herself into the wall. Ron grabbed her face quick and pulled her close. "You hurt me. And now I'm going to hurt you."

Hermione's head shot up, panting and looked around in horror.

"Welcome back Granger." The familiar voice hollered.


Hermione took a breath as she realized she was still in potions class and it was only just a dream. "Sorry Professor."

"Detention." He was already so clearly pissed off, Granger thought better then to argue with him.

For the rest of class, Hermione tried to shake the awful feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was only a dream. She reminded herself. It was useless.

The bell rang, ripping Hermione from her thoughts consuming her. She bounced out of her chair and practically ran out of the dark gloomy classroom to which Snape resides.

What did her dream mean? Even though it was in fact just a stupid dream, Hermione felt as though something bad was about to happen. And she was right.

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