The morning after

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The next morning, Ginny was awoken by the gentle shaking of a fellow Gryffindor.

"Good morning Ginny!" A familiar voice echoed. She groaned and turned to the voice. Once her lights adjusted to the blinding light, she was able to conclude that the voice was in fact Hermione.

"Morning Hermione." Ginny groaned again and turned over, rolling out of bed.

"Good morning. We have to get going to breakfast soon, I'll wait for you to get dressed and then we can walk down to the dinning hall together." Hermione glumly replied, trying to seem happy, like this friendship was truly enough for her. But Ginny could tell that their was something up and ditched the offer.

"I'll meet you there! I might take a while so just save me a seat please."

Hermione shrugged and walked out of the room closing the door slowly and without realizing it, letting out a short, gentle sob of hopelessness.

Ginny quickly got dressed into her robes and sat on her bed, thinking about what had just happened. Why had she seemed so upset when I said I'd meet her? Did walking with me mean that much to her? She's a bit strange really. I think she might me hiding something from me but I can't tell what.

Ginny's plethora of thoughts paraded around in her head for a good amount of time until she turned to her clock and realized that she had missed breakfast already and was going to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts with Snape. Who, if she remembered correctly, hated everyone and everything.

Ginny grabbed her wand and textbook and ran as fast as she could to the dark hell of a classroom.

"Miss Weasley, how kind of you to grace us with your presence. Please take a seat. And don't let it happened again."

"Yes sir."
Ginny scanned the room and found one seat available. She carefully maneuvered her way to the chair and took a seat.

Turning, she realized that with just her luck, she was plopped right next to Hermione.

"Great, this is going to be a great class."

Hey guys so I just wanted to say that I'm working on a couple new books now as well so please check them out they're called Draco's story book 1 and secrets! If you really like this story I would especially recommend secrets because it also features Hermione and Ginny. Thanks so much!

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