Snape's class

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So sorry everyone for not updating in so long. I've been really busy with school but I'll try to update more frequently from now on. Comment if you would rather have me update in less time but with shorter chapters or have longer chapters but take more time to update. Anyway I've made you wait this long I'm not going to make you wait any longer! Here you go.

"Hey Ginny!"
"You missed breakfast."
That clingy girl Hermione explained before being immediately cut off by the professor who continued to lecture the insanely bored class. Ever since Snape had gotten recently promoted to his dream job as a depressing teacher teaching an awful subject, the classes were even more miserable then when Quirrell was in charge. And that's saying something.

"Hermione! Yes sorry I... wasn't feeling quite well. I must've gone back to sleep." Whispered Ginny, careful not to be too loud. Lying was always something she'd been good at.

Sitting so close together, Hermione was able to desperately squeeze in a couple words to Ginny but for the most part Ginny was able to ignore the other girl.

It was only after class ended that Hermione was able to get in to a real conversation with the one she knew was ignoring her.

"Hey Ginny! So I was thinking if you're not busy after classes we could catch up in-"
Hermione tried, without success.

Ginny realized that she couldn't talk to this crazy clingy bitch anymore. So without thinking she decided to end this 'friendship' thing or whatever once and for all.

"Hermione I know to you we were like best friends or whatever but I don't know you! I don't know who you are at all! I know you're trying to be considerate and all but I mean if you were important to me I think I would have remembered you. This is too confusing for me right now. I'm sorry but I don't think we should be friends. At least not right now."

Ginny processed what she said and realized that she had maybe broken the news a little too harshly. She saw tears develop in Hermione's eyes that threatened to fall but never did.

"I have to go I'm going to be late for class." Ginny picked up her wand and walked out of the barren classroom, a knot struggling its way down her throat. Tears swelled in her eyes for reasons she couldn't explain and fell down her face as she hid in the swarm of students off to class.

Hermione however was left in Snape's classroom unable to move. The pain, she couldn't explain the pain she felt deep in her soul. All she had left in this world, had just walked away. The pain, like her beating heart was just ripped clean out of her chest. She was gone. Ginny was gone. She had left her. Just left. The universe was messing with her. Screwing up her life, one 'incident' after another. What did she have left now?

The class bell rung, snapping Hermione out of her trance. Realizing Snape had gone and she was alone, Hermione finally snapped. She collapsed to the floor, tears soaking her red and black robes. Noiselessly she sobbed on the classroom floor, realizing she had nothing left to lose. Nothing left. Nothing at all.

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