The Room of Requirments

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The weeks that followed were ones of misery and loneliness for all who were involved.

Gossip spread like a wildfire in this school each kid changing up the story a little bit. Like a game of telephone. The truth gets out but when it gets back to you, it's something completely different.

The witches and wizards of Hogwarts whispered as Hermione and Ginny would walk down the hallways steering clear of each other at all costs and they would laugh at Ron's complete humiliation. Every once and while a rumor would be spread too loudly in their presence or the little birds of insult would make their way back to the tortured teens. "I heard..." "No what happened was..."

Molly Weasley, Ron and Ginny's mother was especially frustrated by the fact that her children were no longer tolerant of each other in anyway. The entirety of the Weasleys were split between the two.

The three had broken all communication to each other; to everyone really. Only Ron was accepted, yet pitied, in the school's social circle.

It's wasn't until Hermione found a note hidden in the depths of her book bag, that she and Ginny had any sort of communication.

Meet me in the room of requirements after dinner. We need to talk. Tell no one!

Hermione quickly shoved the note deeper into her backpack and headed for her next class, eager for her meeting.

The day came and went slowly. Ever so slowly. Finally dinner was dismissed. Hermione paused trying not to seem too eager, though she was, and slowly got up from the table sneaking away from the students and practically running to the room of requirements. Their designated meeting spot.

Hermione ran in and the door was shut abruptly behind her right before Ginny ran up and hugged her tightly. This came as a shock to Hermione but she eventually gave and in hugged back tightly.

Once the hug had concluded, the two stood face to face starring deep into each other's eyes. Sad and broken. Unlike the passionate, loving eyes they had fallen deep into just months before. These were shallow pools of washed up hope that never stood a chance in the raging storm that was their relationship.

Ginny reached out her hand softly pulling Hermione's chin into hers. Their lips touched, just touched at first, then suddenly a switch flipped and they knew what to do. The two had been so overwhelmed with hate for each other that they had pushed down their deepest desires. Which was for the other. To be together, intertwined, the two were so in love.

"Stop" Hermione pulled away from Ginny. Throwing her off balancing as she was using Hermione's hip for a delicate support beam. "We can't do this." A single tear fell from her eye as she backed away slowly. But Ginny would not give up. She advanced and brought her right thumb to carefully wipe away the tear as though the girl before her was a porcelain doll that could crack with any more pressure.

"Yes we can." She guided Hermione's face back to hers. The porcelain faced teen gave in to her burning desire and kissed back with such a force that could break every heart it touched.

The two were invincible in that moment. In that very moment they could be touched by nothing but each other. And in that very moment all was well.

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