Warrior Woman

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Hi friends! It's ya girl, finally out with another chapter/story. I know you might be wondering why a Greek Mythology story is under the nautical anthology. This book is undergoing a change; it will be retitled (Monsters Like Us) in which I explore all kinds of myths and legends. The previous chapters will still stay up.

*song from my writing playlist: "Then the Quiet Explosion" by Hammock, added above.


BRIEF SUMMARY: We all know the tale of Medusa. Once a beautiful priestess of the Goddess Athena, she made an oath of celibacy and devotion. Poseidon, in an attempt to humiliate Athena, raped Medusa in Athena's temple. In the old tale, because Medusa was no longer a virgin and broke her oath, Athena cursed her to never be beautiful again, never again the object of men's desire, cursed her to be a gorgon. a monster. I assume you know how the rest goes.

Now, Medusa is a symbol of feminism and victim-blaming. And Athena looks pretty bad right now.

So, without further ado, here's her side of the story.


On the border between Thessaly and Macedonia, on the very tip-top of the highest peak on Mount Olympus, is Mytikas.

Her home.

Athena rests in her chambers, thinking of the victory she won. Athens would be a great place for her subjects to live, especially now that Poseidon does not have the chance to rule there. Gods forbid.

But she was nothing if not a strategist. She wasn't dumb--she knew something was coming. Big revenge from Poseidon. She just didn't know what. Not yet.

Athena picked up her shield for polishing, sat down, and listened in on the humming ever present between her ears.

"Goddess and sotira Athena I pray to thee, and thank you for your help in Athens. You have done so much for the people. We know you will bring peace and prosperity for centuries to come...."

Athena smiled as she wiped the shininess of her shield. She absentmindedly thought maybe it could do with a garnish, a symbol of sorts. Her priestess was right, after all: she has done so much. She deserves this.

Leave it to Medusa to build her ego. Medusa, her most loyal and devoted subject, who had given up more than any other worshipper when she declared her beauty was never to be used to court men.

To remain celibate.... the most trying of tests and the most rewarding. And Medusa was doing so well. Her most promising pupil, she should think.

"Please accept this gift I offer to you: the first ripened offspring of the olive tree you gifted us in Athens."

Athena brightened and grinned. Oh, how she adores olive trees, and the food they bring. What a thoughtful gift. Honestly, she doesn't know what Hades is always griping about, what with all the "ungrateful humans" in the underworld. Her priestesses spoil her. As they should.

She finally finished polishing her shield and placed it on the weapons table, where she began to take off her helmet. Then, hands in mid air, Athena paused.

The buzzing between her ears got louder, stronger, more intense. Her head was almost shaking with the immensity of it. She closed her eyes, tried to tune it in and match the wavelength, but it was difficult because the signals were all over the place. Frantic. Something was really wrong, and one of her priestesses was calling to her for help.

Finally, she got something. Bits and pieces. Screaming. Pleading. Pain.

And a prayer was there, a quiet mumbling again and again, "Athena I pray to thee. Athena I pray to thee. Your help... I pray to thee..."

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