𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘯 ~ 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘬𝘪𝘥

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"class, say hello to the new student, brady." says ms. logan, the most fucking obnoxious, aggravating teacher to ever exist.

"brandon." he says quietly, looking at the floor and squeezing his books to his chest.

"you can take a seat right there, brady." she says, completely ignoring his correction and pointing at the seat next to mine.

"brandon." he murmurs, shaking his head while he walks over to me.

"hey." i say.

"hi." he almost hummed, not looking at me once. it kind of disappointed me how rude yet how shy he was.

"turn to chapter 9." says ms. logan.

i do as she said and notice that brandon didn't have a book.

he looks around.

"you could share mine." i offer.

"yeah, okay." he says with no emotion.

as we work we finally reach the end of the period.

"where are you from?" i ask, five to ten minutes before class ends.

"texas." he says, looking kind of sad. he was looking at his phone.

"that's pretty cool. do you miss it?" i ask, trying to start conversation with him.

"obviously." he says while rolling his eyes, still not looking at me.

"why are you being so rude?" i bluntly ask, i was annoyed.

"what do you mean?" he says, this time looking up at me.

"you're rolling your eyes, speaking with no emotion, and barely looking at me." i say.

"i'm sorry, i'm upset." he says generously. i could hear his voice become less and less of a robot.

"how come?" i ask.

"i left my whole life behind in texas, my girlfriend, my family members, my friends. i'm just mad we had to leave." he says.

"oh. i'm sorry." i say, now regretting my confrontation.

"thank you." he says.

"if you ever need anything, i'm here." i say.

"thank you...?" he says, waiting for me to tell him my name.

"julia." i say.

"pretty name." he says with a smile. god damn was he attractive.

"do you want me to help you with the subject? since you came halfway into the year, i think you could use some help." i ask, getting straight to the point.

"could you?"

"of course! can i see your schedule?"

he hands me his schedule and i notice he has three out of four classes with me.

"if you want, we could meet up after school." i recommend.

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