Chapter #10# (Jimin)

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The visitors poured in through the castle gate.

Leaders of the world, Dictators, Kings and Queens, Presidents. In there highly maintained cars. All in black for the mourning Period.No they are not they are here to show how well they dressed. Hiding there smiling, judging eyes behind their black sunglasses.

Heaven!!! Even though the sun is not in the sky. Fake people.

Anger rose in his chest, He looked up away from.the people mingling about on the Grand Garden. Away towards the Ocean. His sanctuary....

But they are gone, their bodies are gone.

A cry let from some lip, lately he noticed it came from him. Tears welled in his eyes , he blinked it away. He should stay strong, His trembling his knees felt numb. Heaven his whole body felt numb. But not his heart.

Let them say what they want to but he know. His brother is alive .he know he is somewhere alive. He knows.

If not there be a hole in his heart.....he knows.


Jimin turned and walked towards where is Grandfather lays.even thought Monitors, IVs and several medication, two Nurses stood by him the man looked strong. Not a man a king. The man had went and won thousands of war nothing could ever break him.

But of NEWS broke the unbreakable man and why not he has a right to break too.

Jimin took the stretched hand if his Grandfather with other his wiped of the tears.

"My strong, Strong boy." The man said on his barely strong voice. Raising their twined hand, looking in the room he said "Leave us." The nurse looked like they will protest but they left the room "Never my boy, We are Royals. We don't shake like leaf."

"I have a right ,wouldn't you say."

The hand that holding his got tighten."No you don't. You have a right to mourn when someone is dead. But you and I we both know the truth...."

Jimin bit down his bottom lips. So not to say or let out another broken cry.

"Listen to you'd heart, what does it say.?"

Jimin shook is head." says nothing Grandpaa......i can't feel him. That scares me the most....i have never felt like this. Alone. It's silent.... his weird thoughts, random rambling, never-ending bickering....but now its just nothing. He was in my head for whole my life but now...-" him in stopped talking when be felt he was rambling.

Before his Grandpa could say anything, the First bell of Mourning period Rang. Loud Making very one know the Dark days are to start.

"Go...Son you have work to do."

"I am not sure Grandpa, I have never done this without Jin-Hyung. ...." And yet the voice in his head said he can do it.

Second guessing yourself is a step close to failure.

"Nonsense, trust yourself. go"

Before he can break down and clunge to his grandpa more, he stood up. Snapped his figure to get his Half breed dogs attention. He turned and walked out the door.sending the nurses back in the room.

Breath in breath out.

Jimin calmed himself, he walked down the stairs slowly trying not to think...but damn it he had lost. He has all the right to mour right now. But not now he need to be strong. Jimin had no idea when did he stop walking but the furry dogs brushed his hips. Jimin looked down, patted their heads and stared to walk again. "I know guys but there is no rest for the wicked." He muttered under his breath as the beast like dogs silently padded besides him.

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