Lights, Camera and Action

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Back to the present (in front of city hall )
Where The Royals were asked to come.

Third person view.

The king had just broken the silence. Telling the crowd infront of him about how the kidnapperss just asked them to come here, and set the Screen.

The silence that followed the king’s word was Dead Scary.

Then “we will kill them !!!!” someone in the crowd shouted joined by some more protest.

The soldiers went more alert as they saw aggravating crowd, hands on the gun ready to draw. Waiting for their Generals to give them order to shoot.

Neither Jackson nor Hoseok gave the order.They both are smart enough not to take action until the king say so.

Ofcourse they both following the king’s orders, He didn’t want any of his people getting hurt.

That is not the way how the King of verzula works.

Some people see this as his weakness , a king showing kindness is not tolerated that is how at least his father used to say .

The king is not a coward , and those who think he is you haven’t seen him in the war that is all. The king is a reasonable man.

A brilliant at that .He believe in words .

As the man stood in front of the Crowd , you just know he holds power over everything .He raised his hand and the crowd went quiet .

Again the deafening silence..

Only to be interrupted by the ring on the Prince Jimin phone .

The prince pull out his ringing device , for a minute his puff red eyes widen, even throw the makeup the red rim eyes were easy to see, his hand shook little until he closed is eyes took a breath or two then .

Answered the phone.

He heard then came close towards the mic stand, putting his phone on the loudspeaker so everyone in the crowed could heard the other side.

“Y-es yes WE are here .I-I have you on the sp-Peaker” the prince’s voice break everyone could hear him , First time for everyone to see the broken crack on the royals defense , everyone could see the bleeding heart of the second youngest prince.

The voice crackle in the phone then “Of course you are Darling” came the voice from the other side, the voice was modified , sounded all Mechanically. “ Let’s get it started .”

The Big screen in front of the crowd came to life .Statics, black and white. Then a wiz sound. Like the signal is weak .Every camera lenses present, Focused on the Broadcasting screen , Televising everything.

More statics then a figure appeared on the screen, by the looks of it, the stands and the clothing it was a man, head to toe in black, he was wearing a mask over his face so only his lips visible except that nothing the head was covered by the mask so no hairs visible , eyes were covered by big black glasses.

No skin visible so it was hard to pin point anything to the kin eyes , professional eyes who were trained to see those things to pin point , training knowing exactly where to look , knowing how much time the skin had seen the sun , how much time the person puts his body at work. Details like that .

But looks like the kidnappers once again thought of those things too. Not to forget they used the voice enhancer to trip off the surveillance, knowing full well them being trace.

“ Good Afternoon…..Citizen of Verzula Country” The Man started in a maniacal cheerful voice. “People of the World and Of course ‘The ROYALS’.” The way he said the word Royals somehow made it sound like Curse like the word itself left a bad taste in his mouth . Making the crowed edgy and grumbling. People of Verzula nothing but loyal towards the Royal family. They accept nothing But respect from anyone and who ever speak foul mouth towards the royal then gods help the poor soul.

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