Gray clicked his tongue in annoyance and sighed an impatient breath. "Yeah, I know who you are, Lucy. Natsu talks about you all the damn time. It's like you guys are dating or something."

Lucy and I shared a look for a second before failing at suppressing our loud, mocking laughter. I nearly fell over in hysteria. Lucy wiped a tear out of her eyes. "Oh, that's classic."

"As if I'd date anyone even remotely like you," I teased through my laughter, poking her rib. Lucy stuck her tongue out and poked me back.

"I'm about as far away from your type as possible!" Lucy agreed, giggling. "Plus, I have a boyfriend already."

"Do you have a girlfriend, Natsu?" Gray asked curiously, lips pressed in a firm line.

I felt my hands grow clammy in a split second as I tried to stop my knees from shaking. "Er...n-no," I answered, avoiding his gaze. Even though his eyes were coveted with shades, it was still highly intimidating. It made you want to spill all your secrets in fear of being hurt. That kind of stare-down.

"Mm," Gray responded, nodding slightly. "Are you lying to me?"

"No!" I defended, taken aback. "I honestly don't. I haven't dated since Grade 9."

"And how'd that work out for ya?" Gray continued, resting his chin in his hands.

I can hear the loud downpour of rain as it hit the windshield like bullets. I feel myself losing control and jolted around.

Her scream of pain nearly deafened me.

"Natsu... You don't have to-" Lucy whispered, putting a tender hand on my shoulder. Gray raised an eyebrow and looked concerned and regretful.

I took in a shaky breath before putting on a fake smile. "She was amazing. I cherished every minute I had with her."

Gray looked down at his lap, frowning. "Uh, I'm gonna go," He announced quietly, slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder and crumpling the bag of chips in his fist. "Gotta get to class early. Teacher needs to see me."

Gray clicked away, shoulders hunched slightly. I watched as he attempted to avoid anyone who was standing up, and somehow, he didn't bump into anything. It really was impressive-

"Natsu, snap out of it, or you'll get caught staring," Lucy shook my shoulder.

"Didn't you find that a little weird?" I asked quietly, still staring at the cafeteria door. Lucy shrugged a shoulder half-heartedly.

"He had a class to get to. No big deal," Lucy replied.

"It's just... He has study hall next period. What would a study hall teacher need to explain to a student? There isn't any assigned work or anything."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "You're thinking to much into everything, again. It's pretty cute," She laughed. I scowled and elbowed her in the side.

"Don't call me cute," I whined.


I wrapped the jacket around me a little tighter, taking a subtle whiff of the scent. It smelled like Gray, one of those unique, untraceable scents people have.

"New jacket?" Lucy commented, nodding to my newest article of clothing.

"You could say that," I smiled to myself. "Well, see ya in math," I waved, picking up my lunch trash just as the bell rang. Silently, I threw my trash away, went to grab my things, and left the cafeteria.

Little did I know, from behind me, Lucy had a sly, devious smirk on her face. She had seen Gray wearing that same jacket when he was dropped off the bus that morning. She just never bothered to mention this observation to us today. The gears in her mind were whirring now, which was never a good thing... who knows what she could be planning.

Melting Gray [Gratsu]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя