In an instant goblins guts were on her neck and she screeched in horror.
After some gut splashing on themselves, Priestess looked at me and asked.

"Y/N-san, why you're not in the guts?"

"Ye-ah! Why must we suffer but not you?! you're not coming?!"

The elf looked at me suspiciously.I cocked my head and answered.

"Oh no! I'm coming, but I just don't need to smear my outfit anymore..."

"What do you mean?"

Everyone looked puzzled, even Goblin Slayer.

"Well, I have made...GOBLIN REPELLANT SPRAY!"

I said proudly and puffed out my chest.


Archer looked at you like you were the craziest person on earth.
I chuckled and pulled out a small bottle with a little drawing on it that resembled a goblin with red x on it.I
started to spray it on myself.
Then I moved closer to the elf.

"Smell me."

"EUUUUUU!! NO! That sound really weird!"

"Just do it!"

"Fine...-sniff- You smell like moss on a rainy day..."

"That's for you, but for dogs and goblins I smell disgusting"

"Emmm, Y/N-san, but how you know it?"

The Priestess looked confused but got closer to smell me too.

"Well, remember that one month I only took goblin quests? Well, I was experimenting. I was sick of the blood and gut stains on my outfit that I started thinking.
'There must be some smell that even Goblins are disgusted with?'
So, I took some ingredients, cleared nests, left and tied to a pole few goblins and gave them to sniff some of my mixtures... Then killed them to finish my work and continued that until I made this.
Apparently, like dogs, goblins don't like the smell of chilly peppers with rubbing alcohol and few herbs in the mixture. Who knew?!"

I said it all as quickly as I could and smiled ear to ear.

"Did you try it?"

Goblin Slayer came closer to smell you too.

"Well, yes. I used this mixture multiple times already and it worked like charm. And if you leave cotton balls with this mixture at the entrance, apparently the smell is so strong for them, that they can't even run out of the cave, as an invisible wall would be blocking it."

"Interesting... You do smell like moss on a wet day... Could you make me this mixture too?"

"Well of course!"

I chirped happily. And moved to the entrance.

"Let's hide the body's and move out."

Priestess POV:

Goblin Slayer was in lead.
With his sword, he tapped the floor and walls.
Sometimes tossing his pocket rock with a little rope fastened to it and pulling it back.

"No traps."

I brushed my hand across a carving in the wall.

"It looks like this field was the site of a battle back during the Age of the Gods...Maybe its a fortress or something from back then... Although the construction certainly seems human..."

"Home first to soldiers, now to goblins. A cruel fate..."

Lizardman grimly looked at the painting.

Bloodhound (Goblin slayer x female reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora