He didn't even know that he's holding his breath when he heaved a deep sigh of relief. He looked at the closed door,curious as to why the young Jeon made him act like a total idiot.


"Mr. Jeon." Jungkook greeted before sitting down at the couch, far away from the CEO's table.

"That's father to you Jungkook." Jungho said to his son, who just gave him a look.... a look of disgust.

"I'll be calling you that in your deathbed." Jungkook retorted, anger visible in his eyes as he looked at his father.

The older Jeon sighed in disappointment. "You used to call me Dad when Sunmi is still alive."

Jungkook abruptly stood on his seat at the mere mention of her name. "Don't fucking say her name! You don't have the right to speak of her!" He shouted in anger. His veins popping from his closed hands. It took him a lot of patience not to land his fist on his father's face.

Jungho sighed, suddenly feeling out of breath. He could feel his chest tightening.

"J-jungkook I--"

"Will you just stop?! I don't know why you want me here. I will never step a foot into this company ever again unless you're dead!"

He rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Taehyung, who's busy arranging the schedule of Mr. Jeon, flinched at the loud noise that the door made. He saw Jungkook walking away, fuming in absolute anger. He looked deadly.

Suddenly, the intercom connecting to the CEO's office beeped.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung waited for a response. He could hear soft gasps from the other line.


Taehyung's eyes widened in horror. Mr. Jeon sounded in pain and almost breathless.

Without another word, Taehyung rushed inside the office.

His palms started to sweat upon seeing the CEO slumping on his desk, barely breathing.

"Oh my God! Mr. Jeon!" He rushed to his side and saw the older clutching his chest. His face wincing in pain.

Oh no! Oh no! Ambulance! Ambulance!

Taehyung shakily lifted the phone to call for help.

"Mr. So! Call an ambulance now! Mr. Jeon is... he's... Fuck! Just call an ambulance!"

Taehyung was panicking. He didn't know what to do. He searched for a medicine inside the bag of the CEO but found nothing. He checked the drawers but they were locked.


Taehyung dialed again. " Mr. So! Where the fuck is the ambulance?! We need it now! Damn it!"

"Calm down. We are on our way up. We'll handle everything. Just stay with him and check his pulse and breathing." Mr. So instructed, his voice calm but strained.

Taehyung did exactly what he's told. He checked the older's breathing and pulse.

He's still alive.

Taehyung thanked the heavens when Mr. So and his men came rushing. They have a stretcher with them.

"We'll take it from here. Cancel all his meetings but don't tell them exactly what happened. Just tell them that Mr. Jeon has an emergency meeting with a client abroad." Mr. So stated. They carefully placed the unconscious man on the stretcher before rushing on the elevator.

Taehyung was left inside, shock was an understatement. He's dumbfounded. Everything was not sinking properly in his mind.

What happened? Oh God! What happened?

His knees turned into jelly as he slumped on the floor, hand still holding the phone. Everything seemed fine before Jungkook came out of his office. What did the young Jeon do to his father for him to end up like this?

Taehyung shivered in fear. His mind was running wild, thinking about the possible things Jungkook might have done or said. He stayed there, sitting on the floor, unable to move a muscle from shock.


Jungkook went out of the building as he looked for his car. He didn't want to be in this God forsaken place anymore. He wanted to stay away from his father as far as possible.

He stepped inside his car and was about to start the engine when he heard a siren coming from an incoming ambulance. The paramedics put down a stretcher. They were met by men in black, one of them was Mr. So, whom Jungkook instantly recognized.

What's happening there?

Jungkook did not start the car. He started to feel a bit nervous at the sight. After a while, Mr. So came rushing out of the building with a man sprawled on the stretcher.

The paramedics carefully lifted the stretcher inside the ambulance. Mr. So stepped inside as well before the vehicle went away.

Jungkook was horrified. He was sure as hell that the man on the stretcher was the same man he was arguing with a while ago.


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