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The creature swam through the dark waters,her very presence darkening it some more,skools of fishes crammed away from her,her glamour requires she consumes more energy from mermaids or mermen or any other magical  creatures.

Patrols go missing,errant lovers sneaking out at night to meet at any of the accient twisted underwater trees near the borders,now in her true form she is set out to hunt.

Absorb their soul energy and leave behind her poisonous dark one,fair trade.
Those unfurtunately unlucky beings gets caught,and everything is hushed hushed,keeping it under wraps.
She Has been doing this for years,her energy is running low,and she needs to refuel so to speak.

She smelled testerone ouzing in a auraric glow under the twisted wirrow  tree as itd been called by those who still rememberred why,
The ancients used it but the one who grew them was that stupid goddess who was dead asleep.

Falling for some one beneath her status,how stupid is that?..

She could never make that mistake,she had cared before but never fallen inlove,and she had taken out the thorn out of her way,her little annoying bundle,lost to the Sea,obviously eaten by deep water sharks.

Turning invincible which only powerful Royal could do.

She lets her Long fingers elongate into Sharp predatorial claws,the claws dripping with black tarlike imobilizing poison.

Her green eyes flashed and turned obsidian black with malicious intent as she stared at the tailtangled clueless merlovers.

She swims quickly and descended on them,her claws dug into the side of the mermans neck and into the side of the  females hip,where skin met scales,its always been a weak spot for mermaids.
Her venom immobilises them like à pythons venom,they couldnt move an inch.

She sucked their live force energies and contaminated theirs with hers in doing so,making their colours change,their bodies mutated in a degrading filty manner.
They became another casualty of her feed,chalk pale skin,black eyes,colourless tails,with a stinky putrid smell,the carnivorous merzombies.

.....................   ............   ...........

Long ago, a mer demi-goddess fell enchanted under an enemy who used her against her people she was a gurdain to,she is the last gurdain the merfolks had,she believe to be inlove not knowing she's only a puppet untill the dark finfolk prince jakcon hurt someone she loved,

heart broken she broke his soul and sent the princes soul into a hundred dimensions,so he could never be reborn in his mortal body,she used up almost All her chakras and turned into an impenetrable statue,and dead slept for a thousand years,untill the next,the One both red and blue, who will step into her place so she could ascend into NIR-URNIA, realm of gods and goddesses..
The prophecy said the one of Blue And red shall  create a New realm for merfolks And finfolks alike,she shall unite everyone And they  Will stand against jakcon's seed ,
And win.

Legends say the seed of jakcon survives to this day.........


"Wake up mistress,miss..."
Ovavi was shoke awoke,reluctant to be woken from her mothers voice,storytelling with colourful image and objects in her subconscious,that place between being awake and still asleep,thats is both.

"WhaaaT?....  She yawned out,stretching.
And blinked up at the girl,the maid,
Gifted to me, "mar...lina?

"Yes,mistress,its time,you've been sleeping like the dead for three hours straight". Marlina said,brows drawn together inquisitively.

The Half Blood(unEdited)Where stories live. Discover now