01:my family?.

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Am writting this on my phone,hence there's bound to be mispelled words.

I am an orphan,
atleast i believe my self to be one,
as a half blood i feel like an outsider.

i never knew my mother
,i heard it said she wasn't a mermaid,
but was way dangerious than a human,i have no idea what that meant.
My father treats me like a finfolk
(Finfolks,the merfolks mortal enemy)my family like an outcast,they treat me worst than a finfolk.

Finfolks are a mischievious species of merpeople that kidnap humans and merfolks alike,keeping some as mates,they are also shapeshifter sorceress with black eyes.
Their males are hunters,their females leaders as is with most mercolonies.

i knew what merpeople say behind my back,
because most times they dont even know that am there.

i am treated like an outsider in the mercommunity,
and i am planning to change that finally ,though i had tried many times.
maybe its because i dont have a tail,but am being optimistic,
maybe i have to do something very herioc to be worthy of being given a tail by the sea goddess Merlusa.

I am faster than any mermaid amongst the clove colony or
the mer-divisuals where us commonmerfolks live in the colony,but daddy dearest had beaten bragging out from me since i was a merling.

The merkingdom is a three tier body, commoners like myself live in the cove colony here there are lots of aquatic sea plants both harmful and not,sea lives favour this area

the military and their bodies like,training camps and hunters etc live in the east part,called FRITH,the priestess lives there.

To the north where after the mermarket which is in the center of the merkingdom,the waters are darker in the north,
the nobles live here, called eclat,here the palace stands proudly majestic after the scatterred blue stone houses of the nobles,there's a force field at the gate,no one can just go in without being sent for,or brought in by the guards or bloodgade members.
The highguard,nobles,bloodgade members and royals live here.


the blood-race annual competition is coming up again,
Am afraid,I have a feeling this time i cant persuade my dad dearest from not sending me into the suicidal campetition to die where both finfolks and merfolks dual.

Legends say ,After the last war of the fin and mer folks,
the kuretie had made them put down their spell-pearls and poisonous bubble bombs they slung at each other
But the alliance was not an easy one.
The kuretie was a being with legs that used her great powers to stop centurys of war,between the Merfolks and the Finfolks.

the kuretie had lost her life after finally securing the peace,
she was a mer and fin folks lover,but though an outsider,she had saved countless lives,and was a legendery hero,both merfolks and finfolks love her,
they say she left her heart in the company of the merfolks shortly after the alliance ,some say it was her merling, before her death twenty three moons ago.

the annual blood Race were to honour her,and guese what,
it happens to be on my birth day,hah,(another obvious reason my fellow clove merfolks hate me)
It started being held in honour of the kuretie on my first birthday and is as old as me.for twenty three moons its happened,this would be its twenty fourth celebration.

once you are nominated,
you must obey the blood peace law or else...
Any non legal can be nominated by their guidance or parents but its not common,
Adults sign up by themselves
Some criminals join for their freedom,if they win then they are pardoned and their status before they were stripped of it is restored immediatedly.

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