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I swam through the open waters,as Tingle's mistress,tingle now shares my speed,she said its the whole bond thing,i dont know how that Works.

I feel complete,filled with electricity,alive and confident i can do this,they will probabbly send us to a dangerious location,melda had given me a rubber bracelet to where to hide my powers from being sensed and if i dont take it off no one can sense my powers increase,even my hair has changed,its not the normal red Orange,its red and blue,mixed.
Maybe it's because my out of water effect seems to be flying.

But how can i wear,this power camouflaging bracelet yet,and i still feel so alive, the witch melda had cleaned the blockages To my chakra,as she'd put it and purged my chakra of it,whatever that meant.

I am happy she sent went To such trouble for me,i couldnt never repay her,someday i will,whatever it is,she made me see my mother,who's told me everything,well,as much as she feel fit i should know,i will need melda's help To speaker with her again in the moon realm

i love the New me,i feel more intoned with nature,more confident,more sure,and ,so much powerful and alive,i feel like i can do anything,create anything as long as i can imagine it,but melda had said to meditate frequently and not overdo it,i would need to constantly watch my emotions and wishes.
And i should meditate and purged my mind from any negative thoughts.

She said i am a rare find,a half mermaid and also a kurieita,of i can picture it,i can create or transform anything, but even i need to recharge.

I hope melda like her gifts i have kept it in her room,i could smell her reluctant to Let me go,but she doesnt have to worry,i will be amongst the winners on this years blood sports,besides,if the one nominated runs then he that nominated that person is held responsible for it,father may not be my biological father,but i know i cant Let him get punished because of me even if i felt hurt,and betrayed by what he had done.

I feel invisible,like I can do anything,I have never felt this way before,this new confidence bursting from within me,I know I can do anything,and I will make sure dad doesn't get in trouble,come sunrise,the horn will sound,guards will come get me,if they don't see me,well,that wasn't an option,it's an hour To sunset,meaning I have to be even faster,so fast I streak through the waters like a flash of lightning.

Prince's Pov

I can't believe my eyes,she has unlocked her powers,she literally zaps through the waters like a flash of lightning,I've heard stories that the only other being who can do that was my late uncle,she turned into a streak of blue lighning.

Making it hard for her pethorse to keep up with her.
I followed as much as I could.

In a minute i was in home,i sneaked inside our corals,my shellhut's is behind it.

It was not yet sunrise,but the slowly brightening sky was making the waters mess obscure.

Tingle's at my left,pressed To my side,i turn her invincible with a touch ,so not To get into argument with father.

I pass the twins rooms on both sides,and got closer To fathers room,
I turn away from the enterance and came out thé back,he's Probably asleep,after drowning himself in petal berries and all sorts of wine,he snores it off,fuite loudly too,his weeds curtain bellows with it.

Being 6:1,not as talk as most mermen, abit on the stocky side,he's still quite handsome,blond hair his daughters got from him,he had a blond streaked pink tail.
Good gene's is what he had,if he were a noble,he will have remated,but his two daughters delia and Dion didnt want another contenter for their fathers love and attention,plus its hard To see a second chance true love and step mothers end up maltreating the children,i cant disagree with them on that on.

A few potential second mates prospects father caught in his net have Been terrorized,bullied and pranked,delia and dion are the craziest at pranks,knowing from experince its no wonder they scared off any second chance of tueur sas remati......

My thaughts were janked off ,i froze at the curvy entrance To my shellhut,recognition freezing my scales and cells.
An not sure i am ready To confront father.
I drew back when he came forward,


i watched her blue musculate feminine form draw back as i came forward and seems To freeze.
At 6 feets she is as tall as some mermen if not taller.
Fair skinned,though her skin seems To pulse with a lights of its own now,and how dis she dyed her hair,i fits her,gives her a unique identity.
Her eyes have turned electric blue,like the Hue in her hair.
Dis she meet a witch in another colony To change her appearance?.

All these questions i want To ask her,but the only thing i can think of is how glad i am To see her again,ive not Been the beat gurdain but i believe entering her in the sports is thé right thing To do.

Drego,puts his hands on her shoulder and looked into her a lien blue eye's filles with si much knowledge,he knows its time they really talk,he's Been avoiding this for years because he didnt want To lose her too,she reminds him of her mother,who entrusted her with him before she passed To whatever realm she had gone to.

Her knowing does not keep her Safe,her ignorance had protected her for so long,now she had gone wherever she did To get answers,there's no going back,he had Been preparing for years ,but still not ready.

Is she ready?,can she take this journey and return safely?.

''You know" Drego came out accusingly, after letting the silence To stretch.
She nodded her head.he envelopes her in a hug,she stiffened then returns his embrace.

Am worry for being the worst gurdain" drego deep voice rumbled',
An worry for being an annoying brat",ovavi replied,sniffing.

Lets talk about the blood FEAST and what To expect,i have a contact,an ils friend in thé counsel who knows the challenges planned for thé contestants"
Ovavi followed drego past back To thé parlour.

....Less than an hours later,the Horn sounds.
Drego was just advising ovavi after telling her all he's round out when thé bloodgade and their double edge electric charged golden spears arrived.

We are here To take her To the palace."

Delia and Dion choose that moment To appear,they thought i would not returning,their frightened expressions Turned To that of surprise.

Delia promises to cheer for me,i hugged them both before i left with the bloodgades.

I felt my nerves askimbo,i have always Been as drawn To the palace as i was with adventures.

I have always looked at it from afar,and pillars that spears up like a spear casting a majestic dominant is quite a sight,i have never meet with royalty,am a little nervous,knowing who i was going to meet,and what she is.

I clear my head and removed all negative thoughts from my mind,putting on a blank expressionless face.

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