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A DAY AGO..............

melda Has made me stretch like i had never stretched before in my life...
Doing yoga as she called it,a sadistic torture thing devised by humans to punish eachother.

i never knew i could be more flexible than i already was,my muscles might turn into that flexible thing melda calls elastic on that wheel thing she said was a sowing machine,

"Its a butterfly," she had told me,
how a butterfly is suppose to sow anything is a Wonder,
ive heard only small creatures called arachnids can spin.

she said i should breath through the pain as my muscles protested after one hour of the torture activity.

she called it yoga,how humans can turtore themselves as such i cant understand.

A few hours later i've decided To explore whiteville with tingle

She took me to the Hill where the apples were,after much exploring.

Up a little hill,trees growing at the sides,I've heard stories about the human world,looked from afar ,it's really beautiful,tingle climbed up the hill,towards the trees to the right,the storey building is with flowers close at its sides.

Tingle stopped under an Apple tree,i stood on her back looking up and jumped,luckilly I didn't hit my head on any branch and easilly landed on one.

tingle has layed down,eating some clover,i plucked the choisest and dropped them down on her back one after the other,she snickerred in annoyance and I laughed amused,I dropped the last on her head and she jerk and stood up,eyes aflamed,smoke bellows from her nostrills.

Ovavi heard a voice behind her as she was bent picking up the apples.
'You seem to have annoyed your horse I see"she turned around.

He stood 6'4, as tall as if not taller than most mermen i knew,his eyes are green and hawklike,straight nose,blond long wavy hair with a few touches of blue,full lips,broad chest,he has an aura of authority,power,and mischief about him,his features aristocratic,he's unbelievably handsome.

I straightened up and looked at him into those gold eyes,such i've never seen before,they'd seem to know me,all thaughts faded from me ,his eyes seems familiar,more than the eyes of a stranger.

Sorry if i startled you,but i couldnt helped overlooking,i was walking by"he said ,his voice stirred goosebumbs across my skin,in a good way.

"I apologised,i probably should have taken permission right? I asked him,he smiled,his skin has a golden shine to it, his teeths are perfect, i realised when he smiled,i felt like hot air invades my lungs and sucks the air from my lungs and i was left gawking like a fish out of its element.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face To bring me from the trance i was in,i think i just got bewitched.

i cant believe something like this would be happening to me,
My steps fall in and out of love all the time,never seems able to holding unto a relationship has made me a little cynical about certain things.

"Sorry what did you say?,i asked ,having not caught a things he's said.

He smirks abit, "i asked your name"

"Oh,my name,whats your name,oh Sorry,my name...My name's ovavi" i was rambling,i guese delia and dion did rub off on me"i thought To myself.

"Ovavi...hmm,thats a unique name,i think i had heard it somewhere before but where.?........he says thinking,hand touching his chin as he looks me over.

"Call me prince,thats whats everyone calls me,am a friend of the mayors,this is her home,she is vert Kind,we've Been friends forever".he said.

He asked where ovavi lives,she told him she is just visiting and would leave come morrow"
Prince insisted on walking her home saying she could get lost on her way back.

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