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I had packed some clothes in a bag since last night,and took the only thing i had of my mother from my fathers safety shell,a pinkie ring of gold and Black Stone.

I had also packed some sweet kelp,
finally having got a pet by accident,
i had to take care of her,my glow horse.

She had followed me home yesterday,
i have named her tingle, since the accidental bonding,she cant hurt me again, i only feel a tingle whenever i touched her now.

" we are leaving" i said to the horse folded at the side of my aqua petals coral bed in my giant oval Shell hut,where some merpeoples live in theirs familys corals, only wealthy and tittled merfolks live in stone crafted homes,dad and the twins live in the coral but i prefare my shell hut'.

Gigantic huge shell at the rocky part of the sea bed that's dark Brown,where our three teir colony is,some are bigger than others.

There's a space in my shell hut,its big enough for me,most shell huts in the colony are adjoined or even three tiers,some poor merfolks add more for room as their familys expand,most live in corals.

"Up,up we go"i whisperred to tingle as i got on her back,for a sea horse she is huge and twice my size,not that will be a problem if i wanted to raise or carry her,mermaids are strong and thick skinned,as a half blood,am freaky strong and I have skinscales(smooth skin like scales thats very hard to distinguish in the water that protects skin and is reflective when it catches the sunlight and it absorbs moonlight,when dry it becomes just a gold tan),that and a few other things are the only things of interest about me,yet father made me swear to keep my not so obvious talents a secret.

Whenever i occassionally get bullied,i find it hard to keep the secret,why did i have to keep my powers a secret,father is hiding a bombshell of secrets from me and he doesn't want to tell"

What is it like on land,have you ever been there?" I asked Tingle.

"yes mistress,i sometimes turn to a normal horse in land,a pony and hide amongst normal horses that is rared at the ranch past the market atop the hill,i get tasty red treats called apples"

Tingle turned to look at my face before facing frontward and continueing.
"i love those red apples,They taste like heaven"

"Thats Nice,if you are trying to suggest i go find you those "apples' as you call them,you have got another thing coming" i told her i felt an emotion ripple through her body at that.

"Ofcourse not,mistress"she replied fakely.

" What other powers do you have"

"Mistress,i am a merhorse;
A normal horse the size of a pony on land but sea horse on water.

I can only change to a normal horse,dont Let my size fool you,
i am extra strong on land,its my 'out of water effect' .

" if you unlock your powers totally,you can change me to a human form if you like" tingle says,hopefulness in her voice.i heard the excitement in her voice but have not a clue whats she is talking to me telepathedly about.

"whats you buzzing about?" i asked her.

"Dont you know you have untapped powers locked away inside of you,i am older than a hundred years,
i only came to this colony after the wars between the merpeople and the finfolks.

"And only a powerful royal can be bounded to mer horses like me,
i was shocked you were able to,after the bond,i can feel the locked powers and memories inside you by very strong magic ,you must be something special i said to myself and tailled you home"

"How do i unlock my locked away memory and powers" i asked her telepathly,without having to speak.

"i have heard of witch doctors on land but they are very expensive" Tingle told me still swimming towards the seashore,we have been getting closer during our silent conversation.


The girl was running away,three days to the blood sports,if she gets caught,she will be punished by the Queen regent of the colony.

The Queen had been in power since we have lost the King in the last war,even though that the heir is come of age,i guese he isnt interested in running the politics or the Queen is reluctant to relinquish power,all he's cared about is going to the human world as much as he likes.

I followed the girl from a little distance ,invisible,my hawklike gaze not leaving her fiery headed scantilly clad form.
And waited while the sea horse turned to a ponylike horse and the girl climbed aboard before following their easy canter.

The horse took the girl along the beach,walking off,towards the market.

They canterred to the marker,the girl looked stupified and amazed at the same time, drawing lots of eyes like bee's to honey.

"is this your first time in whiteville market?" One of the market sellers,a lady wearing a blue floral gawn asked.

The horse kept its even pace before she could answer,the scales at her arms(elbows) and legs (knees)had vanished and theres no difference between her appearance and that of a human.

Its best i keep an eye on her,this being her first time out in the human world,i dont know if she will expose the merpeople,being out of water has different effects.

I followed her to the witchs bungalow home,a front door back door bungalow,i have visited her before,she told me never to return..

Oh well,one more time wont count would it?,besides this is an emergency.

The girl went inside,i went to the backyard,where the witchs kitchen was.

"hello melda,its so Nice to see you again,what!,you are ecstatic seeing me,well its really me " i said to the lady mixing a brew bent over a fire.

" You again,what did i tell you last time you trouble maker?",the witch melda asked him on straightning up and puts her hand on her waist.

Oh common melda,dont be that way,the past is past,forgive ,forget?",i said and took two steps back as she took two forward.

'besides,am here because a run away kitten came to see the great witch of whiteville county" as i said this she rolled her eyes.

"please do me a favour and you wont have to put up with me again"

Sighing "whats is it you want from me prince"melda asked and had to lean closer as he drew close to whisper things quietly to her conspirationally.

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The Half Blood(unEdited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ