Sleepy Chat

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24 February 2019     12:28am

< #1 ARMY FANS > 

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RM: wait yoongi hyung, you're still online? 

Suga: yeah. What are you doing awake at 12:29 am? 

RM: Finishing this song 

Suga: huh.. 

Suga: what a coincidence

RM: lmao 

Suga: so um 

Suga: are you done with the song? 

RM: no not yet 

RM: i just want to rest a little bit 

Suga: same 

Suga: so...what do we talk about? 

RM: idk 

RM: i dont want to think negative right now 

Suga: why what are you thinking of? 

RM: jin's they would react once jin tells them about the thing between him and me and our marriage

RM: because jin had a panic attack because of it 

RM: if i didn't go to him, he would have hyperventilated by then and suffer even more 

RM: im glad that Jimin was there to comfort jin too 

Suga: when did this happen? 

RM: yesterday 

RM: wait no 

RM: two days ago 

Suga: i see 

RM: anyways, im too tired to be even more stressed right now so, let's talk abt something else 

Suga: alright 

RM: yoongi hyung, why don't you want to propose to jimin? 

Suga: saying that there's no need for us to get married is invalid now 

RM: yeah 

Suga: i dont like the idea of marriage basically 

RM: ah why? 

Suga: because, there are these religious things going around marriage 

Suga: like what i said before, i trust jimin with my whole life so i dont see a point of us getting married 

RM: mm i see 

RM: i respect ur opinion 

Suga: ty 

RM: But tbh Jimin had character development 

Suga: I hear a wall breaking 

RM: that must be the great wall of china 

RM: holding all the countries that they are trying to conquer 

Suga: how many? 

RM: 6M 

RM: too tired to conpute 

RM: *compute 

Suga: too tired to think 

RM: me 

RM: @Suga 

Suga: why are you @ing me?

RM: you might fall asleep 

Suga: @Jin 

Suga: wait auto crrect 

Suga: @RM 

Suga: *correct 

RM: how dare you wake jin up 

Suga: how do you know? 

Suga: ah right, soulmates 

RM: I high key wish 

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Jin: who dares to disturb my beauty sleep? 


RM: finishing a song 

Suga: same 

Jin: You need beauty sleep you two 

Jin: so that you can become even more handsome 

Jin: Which is why I do beauty sleep 

Jin: You see, I become even more handsome day by day because of beauty sleep 

Jin: Anyways finish up your songs then pls sleep we have a lot to do today 

RM: Alright wifey 

Jin: >:( 

RM: *sweetheart 

Jin: You just made my heart run a hundred miles 

RM: <3 

Jin: <3 

Jin: Anyways night again! 

Jin: I mean 

Jin: Morning! 

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RM: Yeah let's wrap everything up and sleep 

Suga: Alright 

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