Bad Attitude

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20 February 2019     8:24pm

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Jimin: 8:24pm

Jimin: And y'all are awake

Suga: Lol where's Namjoon

J-Hope: Doing a Vlive

Suga: Oh right

Jin: I am watching him rn

Jin: I'm gonna shut myself up before I scream about how cute he is

Suga: You better

V: Lol hyung

Jungkook: But don't you want to talk about Namjoon?

Jin: You are tempting me...

Suga: And you are tempting me to kick you out of this chatroom..

Jin: wtf yoongi?

Suga: wdym wtf me?

Jin: okay just wait right there is there something wrong yoongi?

Suga: definitely not but i could definitely see that there's something wrong with u

Jin: and what is that?

Suga: your personality

Jin: ouch...

Jin: you dont have to be so mean to me..

Suga: you dont have to be so annoying

Suga: i did not mean to send that

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Suga: im so frustrated right now

J-Hope: is it okay if i ask what's wrong?

Suga: ah nothing's wrong

V: You sure hyung?

Suga: ...

Suga: Me and Jimin fought and i let out my anger and frustration on Jin unintentionally

Suga: I didn't meant to hurt Jin or have an argument with Jimin,,

Suga: i knew that i shouldn't have went online

Jungkook: can i suggest something?

Jungkook: Hyung you should rest right now..

Jungkook: You need it

Suga: i still feel guilty..

J-Hope: Jungkook's right. You need to rest.

J-Hope: Let's just talk about it tomorrow when you're relaxed

Suga: alright..

Suga: night guys..

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J-Hope: Here we go again

V: Oof I'll try to invade his vlive hehe

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Jungkook: smh

Jungkook: Hyung I wanna practice

J-Hope: Sure

J-Hope: Let's go

Jungkook: Aight!

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