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Jungkook and V Private Chatroom

18 January 2019     7:06pm

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Jungkook: Hey hyung

V: Hey Jungkook

Jungkook: Tbh, I think our hyungs planned this

V: Honestly

Jungkook: hyung, can i be honest with you

Jungkook: please dont back out or anything

Jungkook: because i promise you this will be my last time and i'll never annoy you ever again

V: ..alright.. Was is it?

Jungkook: I missed talking to you like this..

Jungkook: You know, just the two of us.

Jungkook: Even in just a platonic context, I still miss you.

V: jungkook..

Jungkook: Hyung I'll be honest, I still love you

Jungkook: My love for you never and will never change even if you push me back harshly a million times

Jungkook: Or even push me off a building just to avoid me

V: don't say that kookie...

Jungkook: It's the truth isn't it? You don't want me anymore. But it's alright. I've accepted it.

V: ...jungkook.

Jungkook: But I'm just asking for one thing hyung.

Jungkook: please forgive me.

Jungkook: I'm sorry.

V: is that all you want?

Jungkook: more than anything hyung.

V: Explain to me your story again.

Jungkook: Wait why?

V: Just do it.

Jungkook: Um alright

V: But first, come to my room.

Jungkook: ok..

V: i want to maintain the silence so just proceed to talking here

Jungkook: Okay hyung..

Jungkook: i just went to the washroom to wash my hands. I was supposed to return to you but I saw Lisa. Lisa offered me to drink with so I decided, sure why not? I drank and, i ended up getting drunk. I was supposed to come back but Lisa pushed me onto a wall and kissed me. And you know what happened next.

Jungkook: when i woke up the next day, i was lying down next to her. We were shirtless but we were still wearing our underwear. When I processed everything, I knew that i fucked up. I knew that i ruined everything.

Jungkook: i couldn't stop blaming myself right after. I knew that it was my fault that you broke up with me. If i was in your shoes, i'd be feeling the same thing. I just wanted to hurt myself. Because i've hurt the person who i love the most.

Jungkook: i'm sorry taehyung...

Jungkook: i didn't mean any of it.

V: you told the whole story...

Jungkook: and it's the complete one. I was scared at first and tbh i'm still scared now but i'm braver.

Jungkook: i'll be braver.

V: ...

V: fine. I'll forgive you

Jungkook: WAIT REALLY?

V: only in one condition.

Jungkook: What is it?

Jungkook: oh my you're close..

V: If and only if,

V: You'll allow me to be the top.

Jungkook: Wait..

Jungkook: Top omg hyung

V: Shh. Just reply. It's just a yes or a no.

Jungkook: Oh

Jungkook: Alright. Yes.

V: Great.

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