Intruder Alert

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18 January 2019     6:39am

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J-Hope: Wow he was right hehe

Online: 7
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Jimin: Morning everyone!


Suga: Morning

Jin: Morning everyone

RM: Morning

V: Good morning

Jungkook: Morning hyungs

J-Hope: Hey guys, can I add Taehyun first?

RM: Huh why?

J-Hope: He asked me. He's jealous since since his other members were added but not him.

RM: Alright

J-Hope added Taehyun to the chatroom

Online: 7
Offline: 1

Taehyun: Hello hyungs!

Jimin: Lol why did Hobi hyung log out quick

Jimin: and Hello Taehyun

V: Hello Taehyun

Taehyun: Hello Taehyung hyung

Online: 8
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J-Hope: Lol why is Taehyung here?

J-Hope: *Taehyun

Jungkook: You added him hyung

J-Hope: Lol no I didn't

V: Yeah you did

J-Hope: Huh? When?

Jimin: Just a minute ago.


Suga: Just scroll up

RM: Taehyun are you planning something?

Taehyun: No hyung

RM: None of you ever listen in terms of making an account

RM: And I assume the other member has one?

Taehyun: He will soon have one



J-Hope: NO

RM: Hollup

RM: Soobin messaged me

RM: He said that Hueningkai had your password and Taehyun used it just so that he could add himself


Taehyun: sorry hyung..

RM: We'll let you pass just for today, right Hobi hyung?

J-Hope: Yes and I am changing my password

Jin: I did not teach them to hack

Suga: Did we ask?

Jimin: Anyways Taehyun, we're gonna kick you out now.

Taehyun: Aw alright :(

Jimin: Don't worry we'll make a chatroom for Bts and Txt once you officially debut.

Taehyun: Alright hyung :)

Jimin removed Taehyun from the chatroom

RM: Ah seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if the other member decided to hack just to get in the chat.

J-Hope: We got two Taetae's xD

V: I'm the one and only Taetae >:(

Jin: Don't worry Taehyung no one can replace you

Jungkook: No one will ever replace you

Suga: Because if someone has the power to do so, which is so unlikely, I'll make sure that their asses will be stuck in the ground

Jin: Ya don't be too harsh

Suga: Jimin has said worse ;)

Jimin: Stop exposing me :(

Suga: His is 10 times worse

Jimin: YOONGI! :(

Suga: Hehe

J-Hope: I'd least expect you Jimin

Jimin: I'm the caring dongsaeng

Suga: But when it comes to hurting someone who he cares a lot about, he goes full on defense mode

RM: Jin would do that but he won't

Jin: Because I don't want to

RM: Exactly

Suga: He would if it's about his worldwide handsome face

Jin: Everyone loves my looks. Even the bee wants to kiss my plush lips.

RM: Though his plush lips are mine

Jin: I'm such a playboy I can't even

Jin: The bee wanted me but the bee didn't know that I have a fiance

Jimin: Kim Seokjin hyung just took narcissim to the next level hahaha

Suga: I swear to god if one of the txt members becomes narcisstic like jin hyung

Jungkook: Jin hyung has a huge influence. He influenced me to make pick-up lines.

Jimin: Even the fans predicted that you got it from Jin hyung

Jungkook: Lolol yeah

V: The Jin hyung impact xDD

RM: Oh my

Suga: Yo guys, let's go rexord now

RM: Alright

Jimin: Okay

Jin: I'm in love with myself it's okay

Online: 1
Offline: 6

Jin: Mean >:(

Online: 0
Offline: 7

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