Something's Different

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21 January 2019     7:59pm

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J-Hope: Rap line's online yo 

RM: Wassup 

Suga: Sup 

J-Hope: There were a lot of dishes to be done wow 

RM: Yeah but you gotta admit, Jin's cooking paid it off 

J-Hope: Yeah it did! 

RM: My fiance is the best cook 

J-Hope: That is true UwU 

Suga: Um guys, 

Suga: Can I just ask, does anything look off with Jimin? 

J-Hope: Wdym? 

RM: Jimin looks the same to me. 

RM: Probably became more mature and mischievous 

Suga: I guess he did grow mature.. 

J-Hope: Why? Is there something wrong? 

Suga: No no it's just that, idk i have this weird feeling 

Suga: While me and Jimin we're cleaning yesterday, 

Suga: He suddenly asked me if I ever wondered what it's like to not be asexual 

J-Hope: That's normal right? 

RM: Well, kinda 

Suga: Idk I'm probably overthinking too much 

J-Hope: Are questioning if Jimin's sexuality will change or something? 

Suga: Yeah 

RM: So what if his sexuality changed? 

Suga: I'll still love him of course. It's just, something that I will have to take in. 

Suga: I just hope that he doesn't lie to me. 

J-Hope: I don't think he'll ever lie to you 

Suga: I know 

Suga: But honestly, I'm lowkey scared 

RM: You trust Jimin 100% right? 

Suga: 110% and I may go higher 

RM: That is really high 

RM: Anyways, he'll never lie his sexuality to you 

Suga: I sure hope so 

J-Hope: Lol do you want me to ask Jimin? 

J-Hope: He's literally on his bed going through a website 

Suga: Don't 

J-Hope: Lolol okay


Suga: Oh my god why 

J-Hope: Oof he stopped cause I caught him. 

J-Hope: Now i have to go 

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Suga: Wait why? 

RM: Oof Jimin is chasing Hoseok hyung 

Suga: Namjoon, I think Jin is calling you 

RM: Why? 

Suga: He wants you to go on dad duties 

RM: Oh alright 

RM: Bye hyung 

Suga: Good luck 

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