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Leia's POV
I don't know if  I can trust him again. Those words he said were beautiful, but were they real?. He's lied once before, who's to say it won't happen again. I wish I could believe him, I really do, but not just yet.

I walk down to the kitchen to join in for breakfast. The first person who greets me is Luke.

"Good morning, beautiful, how was your sleep?" Luke wraps me in a hug and kisses the top of my head. I quickly scan the room to make sure we are alone.

"I slept well, thank you." I lean up to him to kiss him. "How was your sleep?" Luke wraps his arm around me and gives me a gentle squeeze.

"Just perfect. Would you like a seat." He directs me to one of the chairs and sits next to me.

"Where is everyone?"

"They should be down any second now." As he says this bleary eyed Rachel bounds down the stairs, followed by Maggie and Shawn, who is already dressed.

Luke's POV
"Good morning everyone, I hope you slept well." Shawn gives everyone a bright smile as he walks around the table to Leia. He plants a kiss on her head then rubs her shoulders. When did this happen, I had no  idea they were a thing. Or are they? Jealously boils up in me. I clench my hands under the table and try not to strangle him.

"Ouch!" Leia pulls her hand from mine rubbing it under the table. I shoot her an apologetic look.

"Are you alright, Leia?" Shawn grabs the seat next to her and sits down. Great! Just what I needed!

"Yeh, I'm fine. I don't want you to be late, you better get going." As she says this, her eyes don't meet his.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Of course not, I'm just tired." He looks at her unconvinced, but doesn't say anymore.

"Of course. You guys will meet me later." With one last kiss on Leia's head, he leaves. Once the door closes Maggie and Rachel bombard Leia with questions I'm to afraid to ask.

"Are you guy's an item now? Does that mean your over Luke?" Maggie ran to sit near me. Oh I wish she would go away.

"There's nothing happening, just a little flirting. We hadn't addressed the feelings yet."

"He seems to have resolved something."

"I know."

"What are you going to do, you can't turn down a guy like Shawn Mendes."

"And why not." I clench my hands under the table not meeting anyone's gaze.

"Oh shush up, you had your chance, it's time for a real man who actually likes her to step in." Rachel glares at me. I can feel Maggie's arm snake around my arm.

"It's ok Luke, I still like you."

"I thought you were over Luke, Maggie." Leia glares at our entwined arms.

"I said no such thing. And if I did, I only said it to make you feel better. But you're over Luke so I can have him." There're talking like I'm not here.

"Maggie we're just friends." I untangle myself from Maggie and stand up. "There's someone else."

"Who?" Maggie and Rachel ask in unison. Leia sits there staring at her hands.

"Does it matter. Just be thankful that he won't be bothering us anymore." Leia stands up abruptly and storms off.

"Someone's jealous." Maggie laughs under her breath. Rachel runs after Leia and I slide in my seat stunned. Ouch! Her words felt real. I don't think this is pretend anymore.


"What." Maggie shuffles over to me.

"It's over. Move on." She gets up and leaves the kitchen.

But I don't want to.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now