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Maggie POV

"LEIA, LEIA, LEIA!!!" I ran into Java Junction screaming at the top of my lungs. "I need to talk to you, it's important."

"Sure" She starts getting up and follows me out. "What's the important news." She says as we enter the green room.

"Luke and I kissed. He's my boyfriend now. He said he loves me." I wait for her reaction. She is still smiling. Where are the tears? "The Kiss was amazingly awesome." I push. "He is such a good kisser."

"That's great Maggie. I'm happy for you guys." Her smile seems genuine. I can't believe she's not jealous.

"I hope your not mad. I wanted to call it off, but one thing lead to another."

" No I'm fine, why would I be mad."

"I don't know, anyway, I just wanted you to know. That's all." I see Luke walking towards the green room. "Hey Luke!" He looks up and stares at me. His eyes move over Leia. He hesitates then starts walking over here. "Luke sit down."

Leia POV
"Hey Maggie... and Leia" Luke and I stare at each other, with some emotion in his eyes I can't put my finger on.

"Hi Luke, how are you."

"Good. You?"

"Same. Congratulations."

"Uhh, thank you. Congrats to you as well." I stare at him for a second looking confused.

"What for?"

"You and Dominic" he says as he cast his eyes on to the floor.

"We're not together."

"Wait you're not?" His eyes are shining, it's hard not to notice how cute he is.

"Yeh, we're not" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"He baby, want to have lunch this afternoon." Maggie interrupts our moment. Luke's eyes seem downcast.

"Oh yeh. I forgot that..." he looks at me hopefully, and I give him a sad smile. I love him but I don't know if his feelings for me are real or not. "Hey Maggie, can I talk to a Leia for a moment alone." Not again."

"Oh, I don't know" Luke walks over to Maggie and whispers something. It obviously appeals to her since she smiled and walked out of the room, giving me a smirk. Luke closes the door after her and sits next to me, pulling his hands through his hair.

"Leia...I want to apologize. I never meant to loss control like that, it was uncalled for and reckless. I don't really want to be with Maggie, she just didn't give me a chance to... never mind it's not important. I just want us to go back to being friends. I miss you. I can't stop loving you, it will take a while, but I'll try not to get jealous, if you choose Dom." He turned to face me and I faced him with tears forming in my eyes. " That day, when I kissed you in the recording studio, I felt so conflicted because I was afraid of losing a good friend. If I got to close, I was worried I would do something wrong, so I kept of pushing you away. I regret everything, lying to you was the worst thing I could have done, I know that now." He paused to take a deep breath. "Leia, will you forgive me? I will never act like a jerk ever again. Who you love is your own business, not mine. Please. I'm so sorry."

I was outright crying, there was nothing else I wanted to go than to kiss him. But I know I can't do that. " Luke, of course I'll forgive you. We all have our bad days. But I can't be with you, I can't bring myself to. I really love you, there's just something holding me back. We can still be friend." I kiss him on the cheek. "But your with Maggie now. I wish you the best." I walk out of the room. Happy with my decision to be friends. I felt myself wanting more, but there was something in my way, something that I needed to do before I could be with him. After that I could love him for eternity. But until then I couldn't even kiss him. That one thing stood between Luke and I.

I just didn't know what.

What should I write about next? What should happen, comment down below. Sorry for and grammatical errors.

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