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Luke POV
That was really awkward. I don't know what to say. Apart from Sophia saying we were a couple and Leia getting her new jacket covered in her Latte, it went surprisingly well. I miss all of by them but I'm not sure when I will be able to come back to the studio.

"Luke" Sophia pulls me from my thoughts. "They are announcing the results. Come on." She drags me to the venue.

When we get there, the place is pack full of people; even more then there was for the performance. All these people are here to see who the celebrity is. I want to know who the winner is, because I already know the winner is going to be an assistant to Shawn Mendes, that's why I didn't enter. The announcer starts talking, he calls up all the performers on to the stage. Leia is so beautiful. That dress does her justice. I look to my right and see a boy, around my age, gawking at her. I don't know why but I feel really jealous.

Leia POV
We are called onto the stage and I look into the crowd. There is a lot of people. I see Luke staring at me, I blush and look away. The announcer gets ready to announce the winners.

"The winners of the competition, and new assistants of Shawn Mendes are..." Everything is quiet. "The Sapphires." We scream and jump around. We won. WE WON!!!! Everyone is applauding us, so we don't notice Shawn coming up on stage to congratulate us. Maggie and Rachel stare at him in awe, while I still celebrate our win.

"Hey" I stop celebrating to see Shawn's hand.

"Oh Hi."

"Do you guys want to come and meet my other assistant." Other assistant? "You will be working closely together after all."

"Yeh of course." We follow him down the platform, to secluded room backstage. When he opens the door, Luke is there. "Hi Luke." He's just staring at me. Did I say something?

"Leia! You guys won the competition?" Gees, what a jerk. He didn't think we could win.

"Yes we won the competition. Surprising?" Maggie retorted.

"No, I didn't mean it like that." Luke try's to explain but gives up, to let Shawn speak.

"Ok so you four already know each other, but I don't know your girls. I'm Shawn what are your names?"

"I'm Maggie, it's really nice to be working with you." She goes up to shake his hand. He gives her a small smile and turns to Rachel.

"I'm Rachel, it's also nice to meet you." She waves and he returns her wave. When my eyes meet his, I can see something in his eyes that I can't put my finger on.

"You are."

"I'm-" Maggie's phone went off. She answered it quickly and went out of the room motioning Rachel to follow. "They will be back, some work stuff."

"Ok that's fine. So, your name."

"Oh it's Leia."

"That's a beautiful name Leia." He picks up my hand and kisses it gently. This makes me blush. I tuck a stand of hair behind my ear and mutter 'thank you'.

Luke POV
This can't be happening. I left the studio to get away from Leia not to watch someone else flirt with her. This is turning out to be an utter nightmare. I just watch them stare into each other's eyes, until the door opens and they swiftly separate. This is turning out to be the worst day of my life.

How do you guys like the story so far? Would you like me to change anything?
Thank you for reading.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora