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Kihyun had just sat down in Shownu's office after Mark left when he hears the door being knocked on once again. He groans, leaning back and debating whether to open it or not, until he sighs. Standing gently and going to the door, he sees a tall figure behind the glass and thinking it's Mark, he opens it instantly.

However, he's face to face with Kim Seokjin himself.

Kihyun's smile drops, and he goes to slam the door but Seokjin puts his foot in the way, "Kihyun wait-"

"Get your fucking foot out of my door!" Kihyun yells, throwing the door back and pushing it forwards to slam it on Seokjin's foot.

Seokjin cries out, bringing his foot out and letting Kihyun slam the door shut in his face. Seokjin hops on the other foot as he knocks, "Kihyun, please talk to me! I came over to apologize!"

"Bite my ass!" Kihyun yells back at him, "Better yet, go fuck yourself!"

Seokjin rolls his eyes, "Come on man! I just want to apologize."

It was quiet on the other side before he door swings open and Kihyun steps out with his arms crossed, "Apologize? Will your apology help me stop from strangling you? Will your apology go towards my baby and the stress you put them under? Will it go towards me being stressed right now-"


"No! You fucking listen to me and you listen well," Kihyun snaps, stepping closer and suddenly imitating the taller man in front of him, "I went to the hospital Saturday because of you. You upset me and made me stress my baby out, and after I hit you I actually started to feel guilty and it stressed my baby even more. I could've lost my child. Hope you know this, that I could have lost my baby because of you. Calling me a jobless, pathetic housewife, insulting my photographs. Now," Kihyun leans in really close and sneers, "Is your apology going to fix that?"

Seokjin swallows, standing taller and crossing his arms, "I'm hoping it will. I realized I haven't been the nicest, helpful neighbor like Mark-"

"No, you're nothing like Mark," Kihyun interrupts, "and you won't ever be like Mark."

Seokjin takes a deep breath, calming his anger and nodding, "I know, but I'm hoping someday you can forgive me. I haven't been nice, you almost lost your baby because of me, and for that I apologize Kihyun. I didn't even know who you were, but I was jealous because Mark and you got along so quickly and me and him weren't even that close when we first met. He was quiet and I was kind of awkward. I wasn't ever mean to him, but as time we by, our girls became friends and then we did. With you, we didn't really have that connection, and it was wrong of me to ruin that."

Kihyun crosses his arms as he stares the older down with his piercing cat like eyes, they narrow as if he's trying to peel Seokjin apart and expose every layer in his body. Reveal every thought in his head. Seokjin really felt exposed when he was near him. Kihyun knew he was doing this, and he wanted to make Seokjin feel small, intimidated. Kihyun hums, clicking his tongue against his teeth and nodding once, "Okay."

Seokjin frowns, "Okay?"

"Yeah... okay," Kihyun takes in a deep breath, his gaze never taking itself off of Seokjin as he tilts his head, "But next time, if you ever make me that upset and I end up losing my baby, I will personally and painfully end you."

Seokjin gulps, watching as the shorter man turns and heads back inside, "Oh, and you're lucky. Because after I told my husband, he was ready to tear you apart. But I convinced him not to. You're welcome."

He slams the door shut in Seokjin's face. Taking in a deep breath and calming himself, he places both hands on his stomach and rubs it, "I'm sorry baby, I'm trying to keep calm."

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