Meet the Mother

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"Just say the word baby and we won't go, we'll just go have dinner just the two of us," Shownu whispers as he holds Kihyun's hand tightly.

"No, I need to do this. She needs to know she's going to have a grandchild and if she wants to be in it's life she needs to straighten up," Kihyun says softly, staring at the shack where his mother lived.

Most people don't know, and Kihyun would rather keep it that way, but his mother wasn't really the best mother in the world. Hell, Shownu had no idea about her until their third year of dating. She was only fifteen and selling herself for money and drugs, in the end getting pregnant from one of her street clients. Her whole life she's not had a job outside of selling herself and selling drugs. She has managed to have three sons with different men that were still clients to her to this day. The only man that was the slightest bit good to Kihyun and his brothers, was his brother Yoongi's dad. He actually made an effort to buy them new clothes and shoes, making sure they went to school and had food in their bellies. His other brother, Jihoon, his father wasn't really the nicest.

They were terrified when he came around, he was always beating on their mother and beating on them. For years, they had no choice but to put up with it, until Yoongi had enough and managed to chase him out of the neighborhood ghetto where they lived with a gun. He managed to shoot the fucker in the shoulder, and for years he hadn't been back until Jihoon started his senior year of high school this year. With him being the youngest, Jihoon managed to move in with Yoongi and his boyfriend Jimin, and their two month old baby girl. As for Kihyun's father, they've only seen him once when he was in the middle of fucking their mother on their kitchen counter covered in cocaine and dirty needles.

Kihyun left shortly after Yoongi did, living with his friends from high school until he went to college then lived on campus. Yoongi and Jihoon only keep in touch when something happens, but Kihyun doesn't care. He loves his brothers, but sometimes he'd rather not keep in touch with any of his family, especially for the safety of his unborn baby.

Kihyun takes in a deep breath, preparing himself for what he's about to see after not being in this house for almost ten years. He squeezes Shownu's hand before raising his other and knocking three times. They wait for a bit, hearing through the thin walls as someone walks through the house. The said person coughs harshly, sounding as if they're coughing up a lung, "Who is it?"

"Is Minji home!?" Kihyun calls, hoping they heard him.

He hears silence, and he was about to just turn and walk away but the door opens a crack and a black eye peaks out, "Who wants to know?"

Kihyun swallows, "Its me, Kihyun. Your son."

The said person coughs again before opening the door more, standing before them in just a bra and an opened flannel, a pair of dirty blue jean shorts on to barely cover her ass. Her hair was wild, as if she hadn't brushed it in years, dreaded up and nasty smelling. Her face looks as if she had been beaten up for talking back to someone. Kihyun could smell the house and it nearly makes him sick. He really pitied this woman. He swallows hard, arching his eyebrow, "Mom?"

"Come in and have a beer," she says hoarsely, coughing some more and sinking deeper into the house.

Kihyun turns to Shownu, "Wait here."

"No, I'm not sending you in there!" Shownu scolds, "You and my baby aren't going in there Kihyun, over my dead fucking body."

"Well do you want to go in?" Kihyun sasses, "Or do you suggest we sit outside on the grass?!"

"Look, we're just here to tell her about your pregnancy. That's it. We're not having dinner here, we're not stepping foot in that house, and we're most certainly not having a beer with her," Shownu says lowly, "If anything and I mean anything happens to my baby after being here I will personally murder this woman."

Kihyun doesn't say anything, but before he can they hear a beer bottle being opened and his mom comes back into view. She takes a swig of beer, looking them both up and down and snorting, "Well, you turned out better than I thought. Wish I would've turned out like you."

Kihyun doesn't say anything as Shownu wraps his arm around his waist and pulls him close protectively. She rolls her eyes, "He acts like you're pregnant and trying to protect you from me. Like I'm going to do anything."

Kihyun coughs, grabbing the folder and handing it to her, "I actually am pregnant. We can here to show you and to see if you would possibly quit being a street walker and drug whore."

She sets her jaw, and Shownu pulls Kihyun to him when she takes a tiny step forward. She realizes the size and the look of Shownu, knowing she was no match compared to this man as she steps back, "Keep the folder, I don't want to see it."

"You don't want to see your grandkid? You already have one and you're about to have another and you don't want to see them?" Kihyun snaps, trying to walk forward to her but Shownu isn't allowing it. Kihyun just rolls his eyes, "Yoongi has a daughter and I'm pregnant. Is that not enough to make you stop this?"

She laughs, the sound makes Shownu decide for them that it's time to go as he turns Kihyun away and leads him to the car. But instead, she follows, "I've been doing this before you were even born Ki! Before Yoongi was born! Do you think a couple babies is goin' to make me stop?! Think again and stay the fuck away! I never wanted you and I still don't want you!"

Kihyun's eyes burn as Shownu shuts the door to the passenger side and races to the drivers side. His mom, still shouting incoherently, then makes the bold move to throw her beer bottle at the car as Shownu drives away. Kihyun doesn't say anything as Shownu gets them as far away as he can. When he was far from that house, he parks the car on the side of the street and brings Kihyun in his arms who was starting to cry.

The pregnant man sobs, leaning close to Shownu as his husband hugs him tightly and rubs his back. Shownu shushes him, holding him close and whispering in his ear, "It's okay baby, we're not there anymore. We're away from her, it's okay."

Kihyun pulls away, his red eyes swollen and his cheeks puffy as he wipes his tears away, "Let's go home. I want to be home."

"Okay baby, we'll go home."

Kihyun sniffles, pouting as he sits back, "Could we maybe get some chicken nuggets? The baby wants chicken nuggets."

Shownu chuckles, "I will happily give my babies chicken nuggets if it will make them happy."

"It will, it will make them very happy," Kihyun nods, holding Shownu's hand and cuddling close to him, "I love you, thank you for being there with me."


I was going to do a cute Namjin chapter but I decided to introduce Kihyun's mother instead 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry babes.

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