Das Ende.

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You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older. - Anonymous

Aurora's Pov

My hand clutched Mama and we wept. The stone was all that remained of a man who I loved. A man that taught me the most important lesson in my life. He taught me to dream. He even told me to go for Spencer if I really loved him and I did. Mama wanted me to stay in Germany but it wasn't right for either of us. She had her little brother to be with and his kids. He could give her a small family. Something I never could. Life was made a little harder when the hospital had to phone me and give me the results from the scan taken before I left. Nothing that could kill me physically at least. I had less than 1% chance of having a child with a man I was suited to in my genes. I wasn't sure what genes were but I doubted I was in luck with Spencer. Perhaps adoption was a good idea if we got there.

Spencer just spoke to me. He was sending as many texts as possible. He kept phoning but it went straight to voicemail. XXXX

I smacked my head and smiled as I climbed from the airport and met Anna. She held a sorry smile for me and also a shit ton of all my favourite food. I don't know what I did to be deserving of her but I loved it. She sat in her car and handed it all to me before we got to our destination.

At the last second, she changed course and we moved away from her house. I had to get to work in a few weeks and the building had to remind me as we drove past it. We kept on going though. That was until we got to an all too familiar building. She kept that smile on her face as we lugged all my things up to his door. Her dark hair disappearing down the steps as I gave a loud goodbye. Fear eating at me as I knocked.

When Spencer answered and I gave a smile back he went to close the door and I let him. What hurt more was that the last promise and only promise I made to papa was that I would go for Spencer. As long as I loved him with all my heart. If not I would fly and live with mama after my contract with the dance company was over. I slid so I was on my knees with a hand on the door just to try to feel any changes.

"Spencer. You can be angry. Derek text me. He told me you had been texting me but I haven't received any from you. I didn't call, I was scared you were working. Spencer. I don't control you and you can leave me be. I just need to know, may I suggest not by text, if you could tell me. Get someone else to call or text me. I just got back from Germany and I might be moving back. Tempting to be honest. Mama is asking me to. This isn't me pushing you. I just felt like telling you. I miss you. I miss having a soundboard, I think it is a soundboard, I also miss being your very own soundboard. I loved listening to you in your life. A lot has happened since you left for your case. I had to put up with a lot of my own shit for once. Emily and Rossi were the next help. They made sure you were ok for me. Derek also reminded you that I love you every day. I asked him to. Because I do. I really do." I stood and my voice was about as shakey as I was. Tears filled the floor all around me but it didn't matter as I gathered my things and set to walk down the steps. I couldn't give a goodbye because that made it all real.

I was quiet as I moved to the steps and let my feet move down one step, soundlessly. I was moving down when Spencer opened the door but I figured it was to just see what I was doing. When I ignored his movements he joined me and lifted my bags. Only it hurt more until he turned and brought the bags to his room and I stood shocked until he came back for me and lifted me into the flat. We sat on the sofa and told the other of what had happened in the almost three full months away from each other. He held me to him as we talked.

When the room calmed he stood and went to his coat. The one I bought him and then I saw it. I knew what it was he was holding as soon as I saw it and I couldn't keep the smile back. The box was small as expected but when I opened it, I squealed like two years old. I smiled and grabbed him so that we were hugging. I had no clue when it happened but the ring was on my finger as we held on close.

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