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She wasn't sad anymore, she was numb, and numb, she knew was somehow worse. -Atticus.

Aurora's POV

The house seemed to have natural noises to it but that made me relax as never was any complete silence felt. Days seemed to be a haze and I never really knew what was happening.

Until one day.

As I watched the TV I felt my phone vibrate. I had blocked Spencer to stop his constant calls, ones that I hated because I had to pretend like nothing was changing. Like I was still sat in my dorm with Anna and watching till the wee hours of the morning. I looked at it and saw it to be Penelope. I hung up but before I was able to look up again my phone vibrated in a second.

The room was rectangular. The windows a standard size with half of the window's width between them. This wasn't true for the wall I was facing. On that wall was the TV and a small stand that wasn't needed as the TV was on the wall. The wall had paintings on and on the right was a door. I could see the kitchen through the door as it was only a corner away. The walls were plain white with the paintings throughout. My old sets of paints laid on the kitchen side where I had left them. On the wall to my right just between two windows was a small table that held a landline. The securest phone in the house. An old fashioned one, red and a dialer that had to be rotated around to call.

After five minutes of me hanging up, I just let the phone vibrate but I watched the screen. I blocked her and let my eyes move back to the screen. Scrubs kept me busy but when I saw that the screen turned black, a new reflection was seen. The outline to someone.

"Hey. I think the person you live with is here in the back." There wasn't a response at any point for a minute or so but eventually one did come. It wasn't the answer I or anyone in my situation would have been expecting to hear though. It definitely wasn't one anyone would want to hear.

"I live alone. You are the second person who lives here. I will be through in a second." I felt my heart beat a little faster but then the calls from Penelope filled my head and I let my shoulders relax a little. She was just in the window. Just to make sure though I fell onto my knees on the sofa as I turned to face the window, when I did a scream filled the house. He was stood there and this time the look was even worse. His body and hair were drooping a little more, this sighting was no exception from the last few times. The light in his eyes had made a change as it intensified and filled me with a dread never felt before. The look was one of having finally finished. Like it was time for something he had been waiting for.

In a second Daisy left the kitchen and came to comfort me but as she entered the room I heard a metal spatula hit the hard floor in the living room. I turned for a second to see her and the look in her eyes told me that I wasn't imagining him. He really was at the window.

"What are you doing here? I am going to call the police if you don't leave." Her eyes didn't leave him for a moment. As she said this a part of him seemed to snap as a knife was brought up and he smirked.

"You take one more step towards that phone and I will kill you both. I'll make it hurt." All of me screamed to just make her call but I also knew that it would be bad. His voice was torn and deep. It was one you would only expect in a horror movie. Broken and tattered. Like he was the one who should have been in some sort of insane asylum and not me. In a flash, he was gone and at the door. Only, the house was designed to keep me safe. I was locked in and other people locked out. His rage boiled and he let it out on the door as he smacked it repeatedly.

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