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Beneath every strong, independent woman lies a broken little girl who had to learn how to get back up and to never depend on anyone. - Anonymous.

Aurora's POV

My right arm began to itch but I forgot all about it. Didn't really even notice it as my room was entered for the very first time. My eyes took in the surroundings and a small part of me was sore. A week wasn't very long. There would be no phone, no work or university to fill my busy mind.

A loud shout was suddenly filling my room as an old woman, or at least she was older than me, scrambled through the halls. I had not been expecting it and so jumped and practically screamed at the noise. She had short blonde hair and her skin was only moderately wrinkled. Her face was a little screwed up but when her pale eyes moved to me her entire face lightened. No longer was she shouting but instead smiling and swiftly she moved to me. Her hands covered mine and I felt their warmth. Her teeth were by no means perfect but they seemed well kept.

"What is your name? I am Diana." My face was a tint of red but it returned to usual as I thought through the question and gave a blunt answer of my first name just like she had. She seemed to really like my name as her words tickled my neck until one of the women I had seen at reception came and tried to remove her but neither of us would have it.

"Right. Your plan is in progress and we will be monitoring you. We are hoping for a week and then we plan to send you back to Virginia in our program. We have picked a woman out for you already and she is lovely. She has dealt with a lot of girls like you." I nodded and moved to a chair as Diana left. She was kind and overly protective but a few comments that left her lips made me smile. Her threats filled me in on how jolly she could be.

Diana's POV

The girl was lovely. Aurora, she seemed too shy but I would help her. Even when I was told not to. My room was forced onto me again but that didn't matter because I had a letter to write to Spencer. He was really lovely but he should visit more. Despite the large distance,  I could be in a closer home. Not a single day passed that I didn't think of that boy. Mainly because of his letters but I was not in the right mind the past few days, and so prime time seemed to be after I met Aurora.

Dear Spencer,

I have not written in a while but I haven't been the best me as of late. You see, I love to play chess though something was off. Today I did spend ten hours playing all in all. I had to take those awful meds but that happens. I will always play chess when I feel better and so it is prime time. They have had to up some of my medication though I suppose you know of that.

Anyway, I just met the most lively girl. Her name, oh, I forget, but it doesn't matter. She is young and sweet but she is awfully shy and very scared. I shouted at the doctor earlier and I was sure she would have a heart attack she seemed to warm up after I gave a hand hug. It isn't like me to do that but her small demeanour reminded me of one of my old and admittedly favourite students. The old bat of a doctor also told her something to do with going back to Virginia.

Your letter I received today was a little longer than usual. What is wrong? When you are in a troubling situation you always write about a page or so longer than usual. I love you but you need to be honest. If it is about that girl I tell you to forget her. I mean, she may be all I hear about sometimes but somethings are all too much and better left. Even if it means that it hurts. I would say ask your father but he is a lousy good for nothing piece of work that I do not like as much as I used to.

Anyway, the girl in here. She has a thick and very angry European accent. Perhaps Russian or something like that. Her hair is moderately long though I feel as though in a week the girl will be sent to a care home back in Virginia as she will be allowed to be taken care of until the issues she needs to face are dealt with. I did hear a doctor say that they thought it was all caused purely by traumatic events in the past.

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