
"Wait! Please don't think bad of me! I— I just want to sort out my sexuality.. and.. stuff." In a way I could tell his was hiding some extra information.. but I shrug it off.

"So.. basically you want to use me to confirm your sexuality?"

"Don't say it like that.. but yeah. You just seem like a guy that would hide my feelings from others so I chose you to help me.." he wraps his arms around himself, "I know you're not gay, but just for a short amount of time, please?" I snicker to myself, mentally. I AM gay, but I'm not gonna say that.

"Give me time.. kay?" He face showed hope for a minute before he nods. "But if this ends badly you better still be my friend..!"

"Of course! You're my closest friend here, you know?" I felt my face heat up. Closest friend? He actually considers me a friend..? I cover my face.

"Thanks.." I mumble. I hear him laugh.

"Let's get to practice." I nod, running my hand down my face before grabbing that same shirt.

"Matt?" He hums as he pulls off his shirt. "Do you know if I can go out in this shirt?" He looks over at my long sleeved plain black shirt. His eyes narrow.

"It's hot out... but i'm sure you can. Do you." I nod and place my sports shirt into the locker— shutting it. I turn fully towards Matthew as he finished pulling on his shorts. He shuts his locker before turning towards me as well. "Please give me an answer at least before the end of the day today." I smile.

"I will..." I place my hand on his shoulder— I felt him tense up. "Ready for some practice?" He smirks and moves to throw his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course!"

Should I consider dating Matthew? Half of me wanted to say yes. But, Carter. Carter. A boy I've grown to have great and huge feelings for. Even stronger feelings than what I had with Adam, my first boyfriend. After what happened these past days Some of me believes he likes me but he just hasn't realized it. If what happened last night meant anything then he could like me.

The other half of me says he doesn't like me. For all we know he could be playing with your feelings just to get a laugh. He knows your weak Liam, he does. It's for his amusement.

But what if I could get him jealous? Date Matthew and hang out with him constantly until Carter runs to me saying he doesn't want me dating him. Too much hope there.

That would also be using Matthew, and after he admitted to me being his closest friend I don't want to do that. But what if I gain feelings for Matthew? I can move on with him maybe.

But Carter— you have stronger feelings for him Liam. He's more capable of stealing your heart than Matthew. Plus, Matthew claims to just be testing his sexuality. Right? Or is there something there?

What am I doing?

"Liam!" I blink my thoughts away as a ball collides into my face— sending me down to the pavement. It's almost as if I couldn't feel the pain, like I'm numb. Which I probably am. I look up at the sky above me. What do I do? My brain is full of jibber jabber, and I have no clue how to solve anything. "Liam are you okay?" I just want to sleep. Sleep. I want to just rest until I couldn't wake up. The pressure is something unbearable. My eyes slowly started to close— but— "Liam—! Hey, hey..! Get someone!" No.. no. I groan rubbing my eyes to gain my vision back. The person looking down at me... Carter? No... Matthew. He looked panicked yet relieved. "Jesus! Are you okay?" I nod despite the pain going through my body. He lifts me and helps me sit up. "You hit your head pretty hard." I nod again not knowing how to speak.

The Night He Fell (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now