Ch. 2: Secret Partners

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Mina walked towards the Dorms, her mind and heart racing. She had been paired with Midoriya, who she had just recently decided to try to get to know better. Well, this was the perfect opportunity.

But why I am so interested in getting to know him better? Mina couldn't help but ask herself. She knew she wanted to be friends with everyone in her class, but this was a new feeling for Mina. She shook it off as she pulled out her phone. We have to keep it a secret from everyone else? Means meeting is going to be hard for those who don't normally hang out, like Midoriya and me.

She knew the best course of action to get the ball rolling. Since she had made it her personal mission to get everyone in the class's phone numbers pretty early on, she knew she could text Midoriya to meet her somewhere. Now the question was, where?

Mina: Heeeyyyy, Midoriya! Guess who?

She didn't have to wait long, as a reply came in less than a minute later.

Izuku: O-oh, h-hey, A-ashido. How's it g-going?

Wow, he stutters through text. Impressive. Mina couldn't help but giggle to herself, before she responded.

Mina: you know, WE'RE PARTNERS!!!! But, shhhh. Can't let anyone find out. ;) <3

There was a fairly large gap between her message and his next reply, and Mina was starting to wonder what had drawn his attention away.

Izuku: Y-yea. I-I was thinking about how we'd go about this. H-have you read the assignment yet?

Truth be told, she hadn't, but she moved the paper back in front of her face and gave it a quick scan. Reading the instructions, it kind of surprised her. Aizawa wants us to do this?

Mina: Um. Just did. Are we sure this is for Aizawa's class? lol

Izuku: He was the one that gave it to us.

Mina: I know that, but, c'mon, Midori. This does not seem like an Aizawa type of assignment.

Izuku: That is true. I don't know. Maybe we can go over it tonight. My mom is making Katsudon if you'd like to join us, and we can start working on it.

Mina: Food and studying with a cutie like you! You sure know your way to a woman's heart.

She could already see his face go beet red at her message. She giggled to herself. This time, the wait for his reply was longer than the original. Mina could just imagine that, on top of the red face, Midoriya had probably shrieked in surprise and dropped his phone.

Mina: You okay, dude?

Mina waited about another 30 seconds before a response finally came through.

Izuku: O-oh, y-yea. I'm fine. So, um, she says dinner will be ready by 6, and we can go ahead and head that way now.....if you'd like, of course.

Mina: Sure thing. Just need the address.

After getting the address from Midoriya, she quickly finished her journey to the dorms in order to change into more comfortable clothes. As she made it to the entrance, she saw Midoriya coming out, clearly heading out, having already changed. She didn't see anyone around, but she waved and smiled to him.

"Hi, Midori!" she said in greeting. If anyone had seen them, they wouldn't have suspected the two were partners, as this was her usual reaction to seeing everyone. "Going out?" She asked, to throw anyone who might see, just in case. Midoriya caught on to the ploy quickly.

"H-hi, Ashido," he replied. "Yea. Just going to visit my mom. I hope you have a good afternoon." She smiled and threw him a wink. As they passed each other, she whispered in sing-song.

"See you soon." With that, his face red again, Midoriya made his way out. Mina quickly made her way to her room and got changed.

*Time skip to Mina's arrival at Izuku's*

Mina stood outside the apartment door. She gave three quick knocks and started humming to herself as she waited. She didn't have to wait long, as the door opened to reveal a short, somewhat portly woman with green hair. The hair color instantly gave away that this was more than likely Izuku's mom. She smiled at Mina.

"You must be Ms. Ashido," she said. "Please. Come on in." She was so friendly, Mina couldn't help but smile widely at the woman.

"Oh, you can call me Mina, Mrs. Midoriya," she replied. "Thank you for having me over."

"That's not a problem at all, dear. Izuku is in his room getting everything prepped. He told me he had a school project. He didn't say it was with such a pretty girl." Mina's face became a slight shade of lilac at the words.

"Thank you, Mrs. Midoriya." Once Inko had pointed out where the room was, Mina practically skipped to it. The door was cracked a bit when she got there, and she could peak in to see Izuku putting some stuff away. From a brief glance, it looked to be some All Might merchandise of some sort (the kind that his dorm room was already littered with).

She stood there for a second as he spoke to himself. She knew she should go ahead and announce herself, but his words were intriguing and endearing.

"Okay, I think that should be good enough," he was saying. "I'd rather not freak Ashido out. I mean, I know she's seen my dorm with all of my All Might stuff, but that's definitely a lot less than I still have in here. Okay. I heard her knock, so she should be coming to the room any sec----AAAHHHH!"

He had turned around at that point and spotted Mina at the door with a grin on her face. It was a sweet grin, not toothy like normal.

"A-Ashido! H-how long h-have y-you been st-standing there?" He asked, clearly completely flustered at this point.

"Long enough," she winked, now bringing the full smile on. Her face did lessen a little to an understanding smile. "You know? You don't have to hide your likes from people."

"It's just, kinda embarrassing, is all," Izuku said, his eyes looking down to the floor, while he scratched the back of his head. She just rolled her eyes before walking in.

"It's okay, Midori," she said again. "I think it's awesome how much of a fanboy you are."


"Yea, dude." Her voice was honest, and her smile was, if Izuku had to describe a word, warm. It gave him a warm feeling in his cheeks and in his chest. "I've seen how passionate you get about things. It's really...awesome." She stopped herself. What is going on with me? She looked to see Izuku's cheeks redden more, if that were possible. After a moment of silence between the two, he awkwardly broke the silence.

"S-so, we should ch-check out this assignment, right?" Now, Mina beamed, and took out her stuff to get started.

A/N: Sorry for the delay guys. Just had a lot of things come up, but will hopefully be able to update more frequently.

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