Chapter 21

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I slide into my booth at study hall, the gray vinyl creaking in protest as I settle myself into its aging cushions. Connor follows me, sliding into the seat across from me as I set my notebook, phone, and earbuds onto the table, his steady gaze trained solely on me. I ignore his stare and put my earbuds in, attempting to distract myself from his watchful stare, but five minutes later, I can still feel his gaze on me. Pursing my lips, I sigh with exasperation and roll my eyes, taking my earbuds out and pausing my music, focusing on the problem at hand. I frown at Connor, folding my arms in front of me on the table; he grins, his blue eyes twinkling as if he finds my reaction amusing.

"Can't you guard me less creepily? It's freaking me out."

He shrugs, leaning back against the gray cushion, his eyes lazily rolling over me, his smug grin still present on his light pink lips.

"Sorry, no can do."

Staring him dead in the eyes, I kick his shin with the tip of my toe, not enough to hurt, but enough to voice my frustration since words don't seem to be doing the trick. Unaffected by my blow, but none too happy, his eyes harden over and he snatches my binder with my homework, leaning back once more and staring at me. I glare at him, his action simply fueling my anger; the heat swirls in my stomach, doing nothing to help me remain level headed.

"Give it back, idiot."

He shakes his head, his eyes barely open slits as he stares at me.

"Nope. You treat me rudely, I take your stuff. Ask nicely and you'll get it back. Also, my threat from yesterday stands. This time, you won't get so lucky with just your cheek. You heard what was requested of me if you don't behave yourself and it's true what your mom said- they won't stop shy young love, girlfriend."

Inwardly rolling my eyes, I fold my hands in my lap and angle my shoulders upwards at him, humiliating myself. Just wait, you son of a butt. The inferno growls and threatens to steal my vocal chords. Taking a moment to compose myself, I swallow and pout slightly, further humiliating myself, but the inferno unhappily submits, receiving my equal anger and hiding itself away once more.

"Connor, may I please I have my stuff back?"

I smile sweetly and bat my eyelashes, ignoring his threat. He won't do it; I know him; he's practically another brother to me, well was. Besides, my parents couldn't possibly know or they would've also known about my injury so he knows he doesn't have to act. He smiles and hands it back, his eyes opening up once more. My smiles twists into a grin as he starts to speak, but I don't let him finish, curling my fingers into a tight fist in barely contained anticipation.

"See? Was that so-"

He cuts off as I punch him squarely in the jaw with a right hook, my lips twisting into a bitter frown as I demonstrate my anger. I glare at him as he shakes his head, trying to regain his senses and pulling my stuff back to my side of the table. Hunted by maniacs or not, my homework is still due. He glares back, frowning and rubbing his sore jaw with his left hand where there is sure to be a nasty bruise; the inferno surfaces once again and smirks, pleased with my work.

"Miss, I'm going to have to report you if you do that again."

What? That sounds like Richie; what would he be doing here? I turn to see Richie as the study hall monitor, holding a clipboard in his hands and frowning in disappointment. Surprised, I blink and smile sweetly, portraying my innocence and following the ruse that we don't know each other. Seriously, what is he doing here?

"I'm sorry, sir, but he took my stuff and wouldn't give it back."

Richie smiles through tightly pressed lips and shakes his head, sweeping towards us with his free hand not clutching the clipboard. My eyes flicker from Richie and settle back on Connor's smug face.

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