Chapter 5

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Upon the end of fifth hour, I grab my stuff from the lunchroom where it thankfully laid undisturbed through the day, making a quick pit stop at my others from my locker to shove all my materials into my backpack, hastily throw it over my shoulder, and race to the barn, breathing in its familiar soothing scent, needing some sort of release and physical activity after being cooped up all day. Before I have a chance to call out, Connor appears in the doorway leading to his office, grinning over at me in the part of the barn near Shadow's paddock.

"Hey! What's up?"

Not wanting to talk about the events of the day, I shrug and grin, depositing my backpack on the cement floor of the grooming stall beside the office where we body clip the horses.

"Nothing much, you?"

He shrugs, his crystal blue eyes twinkling with excitement as he rests on the doorframe, his lofty grin widening.

"Got a few lessons to do later. Hey, after you tack up the horses, wanna go for a ride? Breeze could use some exercise and I know you've been dying to actually ride Shadow rather than just in the pasture, not to mention, you still owe me that ride from last month."

Thrilled at the idea of an actual ride, I nod vigorously, my grin widening with excitement at the thought of finally riding Shadow other than just a stupid trot; I'm feeling a need for some serious speed.

"Sure! Richey got some lessons before you have your night ones?"

He nods, turning back to his office and leaving me to get to work, calling his response over his shoulder as he slams the door shut with a satisfying smack.


With a sudden burst of energy, I grin and get to work, hurriedly placing each horse's tack outside their stall before grooming and tacking them up in record time, eager to get on the trail. Snapping the last horse into his cross-ties, I run outside and tack up Shadow in his Western gear in just under five minutes. Wedging my foot in the thick stirrup, I bounce on my other foot and pull myself up into the saddle, watching as Connor rides out on Breeze, his red gold Arabian gelding. Grinning at him, I squeeze my calves, encouraging Shadow behind Breeze and follow Connor into the woods.


All too soon, we return to the barn as Connor has lessons he has to teach and part ways at the barn door. Quickly hopping off Shadow, I quickly brush him down and put his tack away in the tack room closest to the outdoor pastures. Humming to myself as I carefully replace the saddle cover, Connor's light footsteps sound on the wooden flooring of the tack room, alerting me to his presence as he joins me in the room.

"Hey, there's a car coming. Can you take care of them? Pine and Jane have a lesson in three minutes and I don't have time to give anyone a tour."

Without a thought, I nod and turn, following him out of the room and turning the lights off as we exit the room and close the door tightly behind me to keep it as clean as possible. We split, Connor heading towards the indoor arena as I head out the double barn doors and watch the car- black limo approach the barn? Oh no, I am immediately suspicions about who lies within the flashy stretch limo- who else would possibly think taking an expensive car to a barn is a good idea? My heart sinks as I recognize the two people that exit the stretch, my concerns confirmed much to my dismay and my good mood dissipates immediately.

"Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. What are you doing here?"

My foster dad smiles warmly at me, skipping past my cold tone and pretending not to see my obvious displeasure at their arrival.

"We're here to pick you up."

My foster mom leans forward and waggles a finger in my face, chiding me for something that will most likely hold no relevance to me. Seriously, I swear they treat me like I'm five instead of fifteen, not even my real parents were this annoying.

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