Chapter 9

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He drops us off at school and drives off without a word, his eyes hesitating on me and his mouth opens and closes before he shakes his head and drives off. As his dust settle, I can't help but notice the dark blue Charger is already here and I just hope no one else realizes the car. Unfortunately, it would appear I can only have one miracle a day and the boys notice though it's kind of hard to miss a fancy car in a nearly deserted parking lot. Nick whistles, drawing more attention to the fancy car as I avoid looking into the window of the car as I know John would wave if we made eye contact.

"Whoa! Whose ride is that?"

Playing aloof, I shrug and muster fake enthusiasm, still staring at the school while they study my father's flashy car. See? This is why I don't like these things! They make it impossible to hide and not hiding almost gets you killed as Ben so eloquently demonstrated just two hours ago.

"I don't know, but it looks sick!"

They nod in agreement, still transfixed on the car and not appearing to quit their staring anytime soon. Nervously, I shuffle my feet, edging closer to the school and more than ready to make my get away.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go get my stuff...see ya!"

Even though I can hear Michael call after me, I sprint into the building and grab my things from my locker, assuming they are still looking at the car. Exiting the school, I find the boys after finally left their post and heave a sigh of relief. Surveying the parking lot once more, I double check to make sure no one is watching before I bolt to the car, darting into the back seat and slamming the car door behind me.

"John! Step on it!"

"Of course, miss!"

He guns the engine and we fly out of the parking lot, hopefully before anyone saw me get in. We drive to the barn in silence and I am grateful that he doesn't ask about my comment or my day, he'd probably think it was stupid that I don't want the guys to see my car. He pauses outside the large wooden barn, its pine walls polished as always and checks in with me before pulling out of the parking lot.

"I'll be back at 9, yes?"

"Yes, wait! No. I don't need a ride today and don't tell my parents."

"Of course, miss."

"Thank you, John!"

Slamming the door closed, I nod to John and we exchange a pleasant smile before he drives away. I heave a deep sigh, more than ready of the distraction that awaits me inside the barn as excitement overtakes my exhaustion. This is it! Unable to suppress my giggles, I turn and run into the barn, bursting with excitement. Today's the day I put the last payment down on Shadow and it couldn't have come on a better day than the day I'm almost eaten by a shark. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the day I finally turn 16 which simply means potential driving freedom but compared to this, who cares? This day couldn't have come quick enough, a day nearly four years in the making. Patience is a virtue, but not one I am keen on gaining.

"Hey, Troy! You look happy!"

Putting away the whole shark incident, I turn to face Connor and return his grin, beaming from ear to ear.

"Yeah! Of course, I am!"

He strokes his chin like he's in deep thought even though it couldn't be more obvious, he's just always goofing off like this.

"Could it be because today you officially own Shadow?"

Deciding to play along, I grin wider and laugh, mirroring his pose with an odd grin and pursed lips.

"Huh, I have no idea. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get horses ready so I can claim my stallion!"

With that, I race off, grooming and tacking and cross tying horses, hustling through my chores as fast as I can. Once the last horse is tacked up, I grab Shadow's Western tack, saddle bag, and his groom box, racing out of the barn and to his paddock.

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