Chapter 19

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Growling in my throat as I lean against the wall of the police station, I begin banging my head against the wall in anguish, the mounting pain getting harder and harder to ignore. Biting the inside of my lip, I wipe the sweat off my forehead and try to steady my shaking body, my buzzing phone adding to the vibrations in my body. Breathing deeply, I reach for my buzzing phone. It's Connor. A groan escapes my lips and I roll my eyes against another wave of pain as I swipe the green button up and answer.


"Tori! What the hell happened!?"

Very distracted by the pain flooding my body, I blink, confused at what he's talking about. After all, how could he already know about the incident? Half of the boys are still in the hospital and interrogation and I didn't give anyone my contact info, least of all, Connor's number.

"What do you mean?"

I hear him sigh into the phone, his disappointment clearly conveyed through the speaker.

"I mean, I got a call from the police saying that you were at the station after being involved in a gang attack that resulted with four of the gang members dead! Come on, Tori, give me so credit. Why the hell didn't you call me!? Do you have any idea what would happen if the Pierces were to find out what you were involved with!"

Mixed emotions of grief, pride, and shame flood through me, the inferno causing an internal battle of emotions. Geez, it's hard enough to sort out my emotions when I haven't just been stabbed in the back, but the pain makes it nearly impossible to differentiate and monitor the internal waves.

"Oh, yeah, that. I was just about to call you and ask you to pick me up. They just let me out of questioning."

A sudden tremor of pain tears through my body causing my breath to hitch, my vision swimming from the intensity of the shock. Hiding the hiccup as best as I can, I swallow and hold my hand out to test my stability. It trembles like a leaf. The sweat coating my body is growing cold, chills running up my spine and a bead of sweat rolls down my cheek, the mounting layers of sweat taking turns drying and building.

"How'd you hear about it already?"

"I have connections. Anyway, don't move. I'll be there soon."

He hangs up without another word, probably mad, but I can't think straight right now. Fighting back another groan, I sigh and put my phone back in its pocket as another tremor shakes my body. My knees knock softly together as they give out, dropping me to the floor in a heap with the assistance of gravity. Gritting my teeth, I cringe as my back hits the wall and hold in a scream of pain, spacing out to separate myself from the pain as I stare intently at the floor. Soft footsteps approach on the white tile squares I rest on, my blank stare locked onto the dirty floor, my mind dissociating my body from the pain.

"Tori? You Ok?"

A voice breaks my concentration causing me to look up and see Nick with his hand stretched out in front of my face, looking concerned. I offer him a small smile as I take his outstretched hand, struggling to get to my feet, even with his help. The inferno paces worriedly in my abdomen, something it never does, understanding that I am in a bad situation. Trust me, I don't need it to tell me that. The wound is still bleeding and I can feel the blood seep through the clothes; I just hope it hasn't reached my outer shirt yet or then I'll really have problems.

"Yeah, just, uh...girl problems."

His face flushes red and he looks away quickly, even if my mind is not working at full capacity right now, one thing you can always count on is girl things making guys uncomfortable. The easiest way to get someone to leave you alone, trust me.

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