Chapter 11

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"Honey! What happened?"

My mom rushes to my side as I climb out of the car covered in sweat, bruises, blood, and cuts. Drained as the adrenaline is finally leaving my system, I smile tiredly at her and shake my head, shrugging it off as I grab my backpack from the backseat of the car, barely using enough force to click the door shut when I push it.

"Nothing, just a long day at school."

She smiles back and immediately moves on to the next, easily brushing past my appearance- ok, seriously!? What kind of parent accepts an explanation like that for their child showing up with their shirt soaked in blood? Why did John barely question it and also accept my explanation? Also, what the hell do they think happens at school that would cause me to get covered in blood and twigs?

"Ok! And happy 16th birthday, dear!"

Hiding my shock that my completely bogus explanation worked, I yell a thank you over my shoulder as I race up the stairs to my room, trying to get away from her and the confusion of the day as quickly as possible. Unzipping my backpack the second my bedroom door is closed, I grab the gun from my bag and toss the gun on my bed before realizing that might not have been the brightest idea. Quickly making sure the gun has the safety on, I glance around my room as if there is someone who might be watching before hiding it under my pillow and leaving my backpack by my desk. Hopping in the shower, I wash the rest of the dried blood from my body and dry off, tossing all of my bloodied clothes in the trash and pushing them to the bottom of the can, hoping no one else will notice them. Pulling my undergarments back on and ignoring the slight layer of sweat on them, I wrap my towel around my waist and walk into my room, surprisingly relaxed after the day's events and just overall exhausted. A long, elegant silver dress accompanied with sparkling silver two inch heels greets me, draped over the back of my desk chair, magically having appeared during my shower.

Narrowing my eyes suspiciously as I approach it, I have an uneasy feeling about what it is I am supposed to do with this object. I hope to God, I'm not supposed to wear this much less tonight because all I want to do is sleep, but apparently that's too much to ask even though it's my birthday. Trying to just look at the dress without imagining myself in it, I whistle softly as I run my fingers down the silky fabric, rather surprised it doesn't feel like a burlap bag. Hopefully, it isn't too uncomfortable, but hey, at least it's gray! Yawning loudly, I pad over to the mirror and take off my glasses making me giggle, slightly deliriously from the crazy levels of adrenaline fluctuation my mind has experienced throughout the day. My reflection stares bac at me, my eyes glowing blood red from the devilish contacts covering my silver irises, so enthralled by them I don't hear the footsteps behind me until the figure speaks.


Startled, I whip around to see my mom staring at me, her jaw gaping slightly as our eyes meet and her eyes widening with my own. Sucking in a startled breath, I fumble on the dresser for my glasses and shove them onto my face, just to make myself feel safer, but it's pointless. Tensing myself, I brace my ears for the scream of terror I am anticipating and expecting to hear a string of insults and the inevitable call to the police, but only silence greets my ears. Much to my surprise, instead of looking terrified, she smiles softly, her face suddenly glowing with happiness like a kid on Christmas. Uhh, what? Did I miss something here?? She doesn't run from me, but instead, walks up to me and strokes my cheek with her hand, her eyes lighting up in excitement as she touches me. Dang it, Tori, you just had to not pay attention.

"You are her."

Now thoroughly confused, I study her cautiously, uncertain about what she means by that, trying to ignore her hand on my blushing cheek. Ok, I definitely am missing something here.

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