~*Chapter Thirteen*~

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(A/N - Ha. Haha. Hehe ha. Yeah. So I d....i......e......d. Again...whoops. I am so sorry about all of this. I don't even know why I forgot about this. I haven't updated in forever and that is totally on me. I have a million things going on in my life right now and I mean I guess that shouldn't be an excuse but I want to try and get into a schedule of some sort? Maybe? I don't know. Maybe, for this story, the first Sunday of each month? I don't know. I really am sorry. I hope I can actually finish this story and have it end up being good. I have exams around the corner so studying will take time but I think that I should be able to do this as well as my other two stories. I feel like I have ashamed all of you, even though there aren't many after this long of a time I'm sure, and I sincerely apologize for that. Anyway, without further-a-do, chapter thirteen.)


When did the door open?

I felt my face go pale. His hair was disheveled and he had large bags under his eyes.

Oh no, I thought, he came back because I was in the hospital. What if he was seen in the area. He shouldn't have come back, what if Mother and Father find out?

I stopped my thinking process as the male stepped closer to the foot of my bed. Then I mustered out the only thing I could at the moment.


His usually happy face was cold and stoic at the moment. When we were younger, everything would seem brighter and warm when he was around. But right now, right now it was not.

It was still cold. It was still dark. It was still a hospital room with my brother and two completely different people who were more confused than ever. 

I felt like I was floating on a cloud of complex knots that would slowly undo themselves to make more problems. And knowing my luck, that exactly will happen. But for right now, Averett is here and so is Lukas and Seth. Time for some explaining I guess.

I looked at Averett and he looked at me. Lukas looked at me and Seth looked at Averett.

Seth was the first to say something, "Are you... Raven's cousin?"

Averett was almost confused by the name. It had been years since he heard it, at least I think. He only ever called me by my real name. Even in public where anyone could hear. But then the look of recognition crossed over his face, but you would only be able to see that if you knew him.

"No," he started, "I am her brother. Averett." he stuck out his hand to shake to Seth first. He didn't take it, then he moved it to Lukas who surprisingly took up the offer. Lukas was acting civil and Seth wasn't, something is wrong I can almost taste it.

Ave looked at the two up and down, noticing their awkward attire, "Did I walk into a costume party?"

Lukas chuckled lightly, adding some light into the situation. That was what Averett was good at, making people laugh and making the scene a little brighter. If making people happy was a profession, Ave would excel.

I smiled at the male in front of me. I was hurting a lot at that moment but I still managed to smile through it all. I cleared my throat lightly, gaining the attention of the others in the room, "Averett, these are my friends Lukas and Seth. Seth, Lukas, this is my brother, Averett."

All three men nodded to each other, why are they this awkward? Why is it this quiet? Why can't I just be alone and sleep forever? I would love to be able to fall asleep without knowing that the police were outside waiting for me. Knowing that my parents wouldn't feel guilty about what they did. Knowing that Averett would probably get caught in our tiny town and allow paparazzi to be oozing out of each and every corner.

I think that Seth said something to the other people. I didn't notice. My eyes were closed and I was drifting off to sleep.

I woke up again, not feeling as much pain as I had earlier. It was dark now, not only in the hospital room but also outside. I looked around the room slowly. I knew that visiting hours were over, but family could stay overnight so Averett was bound to be here. And there he was, on his phone, on the other side of the room. I noticed there was another bed next to mine, I will talk to them tomorrow I guess.

"What are you doing here," I demanded firmly, knowing my voice traveled to the other side of the room. Ave looked up from his phone startled.

He locked his phone and walked back over to me, sitting on one of the closest chairs. "Seeing if my sister was okay. You could have died and you are expecting me to stay over in California?"

"Well you left to California, didn't you? I wasn't expecting to see you ever again unless it was in some stupid movie."

"No, Blakely," he said with a small smirk on his face, "I left to make it easier on you. I figured they would stop this whole abuse thing once I was gone..."

"What in the world made you think that!?" I whispered yelled, causing me pain to my head. "It got worse when you left. They liked you, I should have been the one who left, they would never hurt their star."

He almost looked like he had hurt on his face. "Don't say that I thought it would get better because they would finally realize what their daughter worth. And Blakely you are worth the world."

"Yeah," I mustered out a scoff, "And you would know, right? Because since you left to go to L.A. and became the next up and coming actor they must have offered you the world." I shook my head before allowing it to hit the back of my bed, "I'm over you, Averett."

"Don't say th-"

"Don't tell me what to do! You left and I became my own person. Now I'm stuck in this stupid place, this fucking situation which will be hell to get myself out of. But I will be fine, I managed to live with abusive parents for this long, I can last a few more months. And in that time, I don't want to see you."

He was silent, it was silent for a long time. I had thought that he left until I felt his hand touch my own. "But I'm your big brother, Blakely, " he whispered almost inaudibly.

I whipped my head in his direction and looked into his once bright eyes with my own stone cold ones. The growing pain in my head would subside later, I focused on my brother, "Unless I'm crazy, big brothers are supposed to take care of their little sisters."

After some time, he smiled sadly and nodded his head towards me. He got up slowly and said, "Well, I tried Blakely. I tried for you. I came all the way out here for you. It will always be for you, always. Anyways, I love you. If you change your mind, you have my number."

He walked out of the room after I was contemplating whether or not I had gone too far. Why can't I say my emotions instead of bottling them up until the explode onto unsuspecting victims? Why did I have to hurt Averett like that, not everything is his fault. Why can't I just tell people the truth?

The truth.

Tomorrow, I will tell the police the truth. I will tell Seth and Lukas the truth. I will dress like I used to. I will have them call me by Blakely. My real life will start tomorrow.

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