~*Chapter Four*~

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'Addict with a Pen' by twenty one pilots rang through my ears, signaling my time to wake up. I slapped the button to shut off the song. I looked at the clock.


I groggily got out of the bed to go into my actual room. Only after I had gone in there did I realize that Seth was still sleeping. So, I slowly walked in, opened the door to the bathroom, closed the door and started the shower.

After my morning routine, I walked back out to see it was around 5:45. I quietly took out my white paint and makeup, then almost silently went to my closet. There, I looked at my clothes.

Seth had the shit beat out of him yesterday.

Well, I don't feel comfortable in those clothes.

So, don't worry about yourself. He has a life too and you said it yourself last night, you could lead him down a dark path of loneliness.

You have a point there, but I don't like having more than half of my body exposed. It makes me feel vulnerable.

Shut up and paint your damn stomach already!

I didn't continue the conversation with myself. I picked out another outfit that will make me noticed, sadly. It consisted of another crop top with lace sleeves that end at my elbows. The sleeves are off the shoulder. The shirt had a white ribbon holding the V-neck in place. My shorts were black with white skull lace lining the bottom of pant leg. Did I mention that my ass was practically falling out?

Anyways, I heard the alarm go off and (at least I think so) a body falling on the ground, followed by a not so manly groan. Snickering quietly, I did some regular makeup on my face. This included some light blush, cat-wing eyeliner, and mascara. I finished the outfit off with some black vans.

I walked out of the closet and found a shirtless Seth still laying on the floor. I slowly walked over and sat on my knees next to him. I poked his side and he put his arm over his eyes. I poked him again and he flinched. I continued this process for about five minutes until I realized it wasn't working. So I tried a different approach. I licked my finger then shoved it into his ear. His eyes flung open and he sat upright in a second. He started to rapidly swipe at his ear while yelling, "Ew, ew, gross!"

I laughed slightly and said, "Come with me."

I stood up, walked over to the door, and turned around. Seth slowly stood up and walked over here. I walked down the stairs and into my mother and fathers room. I opened my father drawers and pulled out a casual black and white wife beater that might have been too small for my dad, along with a pair of jeans that my dad would never wear again.

"Here, put these on," I said with a straight face.

Seth looked puzzled. "He won't, " he paused. "Notice that they're gone?"

"You don't have to worry about it. He hasn't looked at those since high school." I replied with a smirk. He smiled as well then took the clothes.

"I will be down stairs making breakfast. Do you want anything special?"

He shook his head and I walked downstairs with a glance at the time.


I sighed and just grabbed two apples out of the bowl. We have fifteen minutes to finish getting ready, and it takes fifteen minutes to get to school. We are eating apples.

Seth came down the stairs as I was grabbing my bag and skateboard. I threw an apple and his bag at him and took a second to look at him. The shirt looked good on him because his arms were muscular, and the jeans matched because they were black as well, with his checkered converse he would look emo but still cool at the same time. If only we had a hat.

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