~*Chapter Eight*~

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Hell would have been better than what I had experienced after we got home.

I had gotten out of the car slowly. In fact I had done all of it slowly. I trudged to the door slowly with my parents close behind. As soon as I had unlocked the door and opened it, I was kicked through it and onto the ground.

I heard my father yell, "Such a disappointment," before the door was slammed shut.

Great, I thought, the whole neighborhood probably heard that. Good to know that there were bystanders. People who could help but didn't. Again.

My mother bad oaky impaled me through my side with her heel. "I thought," she said, "that we told you not to have any sexual contact with anyone! I thought we told you not to have any contact with anyone!"

"Yes," my father hissed at me, "we did my darling. Yet our fuck up of an heir decides to go against our rules anyways! Look where that got you!" He directed his foot to my arm.

"How on Earth did you not think that we would find out about your idiotic behavior?! How did you not think you would get punished?!"

I was silent. As always. My mother gripped me by the hair and dragged me to my feet. My father took this as an opportunity to take me by the neck.

His grip was hard and his hands cold as he continued to choke me out and shove me against the wall behind us. My eyes felt as if they bulged out of my head. I tried to pulled his hands away from my throat but that only succeeded in him pushing my harder and higher against the wall. Everything was getting fuzzier and fuzzier. Fainter and fainter.

Suddenly, I could breathe again and the back of my head felt like it had been split open.

My little time of peace didn't last as long as I had hoped it would because within seconds, I was thrown against something else hard. I tried to get onto my hands and knees again, but fell once my mother kicked my nose in.

I was of course crying. But I laid there with silent sobs. My parents yells fell on deaf ears as they continuously abused me. I was slowly losing consciences.

But then there was a very audible crack that resounded throughout the house.

Followed by a second only moments after.

Then finally a scream that was heard throughout the entire neighborhood.

And I was brought back to reality.

My mother's heel was standing on my rob age and my father stepping on my elbow. The elbow was bending in the wrong direction and the heel was about an inch inside my body.

I screamed in pain again, but choked on my blood. I hadn't even realized it was there.

The third time I yelled, I was screeching for help. But then mother stepped on my face and father yelled to, "Shut the fuck up!"

She yelled something about her heels being stained with blood and gave me on final kick before they both left the scene.

I used my good arm to get myself to my feet unsteadily. After taking the few steps to the door, I collapsed onto the handle. My arm dangled by my side as I struggled to get to the steps. In which I fell down all of them and tried to get myself back up again. A few people fled their houses to get a look at what was going on. I staggered towards the street but finally fell face first into the lawn.

I struggled to breathe as my ribs were most likely pounded in and I was still choking on blood. Blood. There was so much. I heard people yelling and sirens.

The last thing I remember was being pulled into a stretcher and being asked the question, "Where is your parent or guardian?! Who watched over you?! Is there anyone we can contact that can care, had cared, or will car for you?!"

To which my response was:


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