~* Chapter Eleven *~

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Literally within seconds of hearing the frantic footsteps, the door was shoved open then I caught sight of Lukas and Seth. Although it was only a glimpse because the loud noise caused my head to pound, so I clutched it in pain and groaned.

"Oh shit! That was loud, sorry," One of them said. Most likely Lukas.

I rubbed my temples for a few seconds as I heard the door click shut softly. Then more footsteps and a chair squeaking. Rubbing my eyes, I sighed and then looked up.

Looking left, I saw Seth. His red hair was gelled into a mohawk and his face was caked with dark makeup, some of which was dripping because of sweat. I know it is sweat because he had been wearing a black leather jacket at the end of summer. Underneath that, he wore a ridiculously ripped, white wife beater. Around his neck he wore a torn, red bandana.

Looking to the right, I saw Lukas. He wore a fake army hat that had green camouflage on it. He also wore a matching vest and a regular grey t-shirt.

I started laughing like a maniac after just looking at the both of them. Not so surprisingly, my head started to hurt as well as my chest and stomach. I winced and clutched my head again, as if that would make the pain go away.

"Seth," I think I heard Lukas say, "I'm pretty sure the doctors took out a few pieces of her brain. Or it just turned to mush. Or it-"

"My brain is fine thank you very much," I said and looked between them again, "Now tell me if I'm getting the wrong idea, but did you guys go to a costume party while I was in the hospital."

Although I said it as a joke, I don't think they saw it that way. Suddenly, they were flustered, looking at each other and laughing nervously. I became suspicious.

"Psh, yeah, totally," Seth said and waved his hand. Lukas was just laughing awkwardly.

I wore a look that said 'oh-really' as I watched his body movements. "Seth. You of all people, went to a party."

He nodded with his eyes closed and wore a wide grin on his face. Obviously they were lying, but I decided not to push. Mostly because I was about to feed them a bunch of lies about how I ended up in the hospital.

My own eyes rolled and the room went into silence for a few moments. Seth looked at me again, but with sympathy and slight confusion in his eyes. "Ray," he started. I've never had anyone call me that before. "How did you end up in the hospital...?"

(I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOO SORRY GUYS!!!! I have been in extreme writer's block lately and I haven't updated for almost two months. I am also sorry that this is so short, but I just wanted to give you all a little bit of foreshadowing here. I hope you enjoyed! -GraceReinke)

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