~*Chapter Ten*~

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When I say that everything hurt, it means that I was actually numb all over from the pain.

I groaned very slightly and muttered something about my alarm. Then remembering the last events I can manage, my eyes flew open. Both immediately closed once again due to the amount of light and white in the room. I allowed my eyes to adjust and looked around, no one was in the room. Even the spare bed in the room had been empty.

Realizing something, I snapped my head to look at my chest once again. My head felt as if it had been stabbed, yet I didn't stop and grabbed at the sheets to see if I was in fact intact. I was, of course I was, Blakely you idiot. Why would they not stitch you back up?

With my luck they would have forgotten to, I thought and laughed to myself slightly.

Suddenly, the door was opened and a nurse walked in. She seemed to have jumped out of her skin when she saw me. The nurse yelled down the hallway for the doctor, saying something about me being awake. Even though her little Hillary wasn't urgent, the nurse rushed in and started to check me for normal stuff.

"Um," I started, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you seem so rushed?"

"Oh honey," the nurse started, "You have been in a coma for ten and a half years."

I was rendered speechless, "W-w-... H-ho-.... I-I-" I gave up on trying to speak.

"Yes," the kind nurse said, "I have watching over you for the past four years. I came in here every day to check your vitals, see if you're awake, all of that. I even brought in a vase of flowers-" she pointed to the case on the bedside table "-so that if you ever woke up before I got to you, you would see something bright and happy."

I sat there blinking and I am pretty sure that my jaw was now touching the floor. The door then chose that moment to open and someone else came in. I wasn't aware of anything that was happening at the moment. The only thing that had managed to be uttered past my lips was, "Ten and a half years...."

"What was that," another person asked. I looked over to find another woman that looked like a doctor.

"Oh nothing," I said, "I just can't believe I was asleep for almost eleven years..."

The doctor gave me a weird look, then gave me a look of realization, and another of irritation. "Damn that Charlotte, what did she tell you?"

"Who is Charlotte?"

"The nurse that was just in here, what did she tell you?"

I was confused as to why she was so angry and said, "Uhm, Charlotte had said that I was asleep for ten and a half years, and that she watched over me for the last four."

The doctor then burst out into laughter, to the point where she had tears in her eyes. I was now the one with a weird look. When she recovered, she told me, "Ah, that Charlotte will be the death of me. No Hun, you have been asleep for the past ten and a half hours."

I was once again rendered speechless, blinking. Although this time I found my words easily. I started to get up and said, "Where is Charlotte?!"

I then quickly regretted my decision of even trying to get up, and laid back down. It was only now I realized the cast around my arm. I brought my other hand up to my nose and felt a strip of material. I'm sure there was some type of wrapping around my to cage as well.

The doctor, all signs of laughter gone, said, "Yes, that is not a good idea. You took quite a lot of damage. A broken arm, broken nose, two broken ribs, blood in your lungs. In fact, a few pieces of your ribs had managed to get lodged in your lungs. You're lucky to be alive."

Lucky, I thought and placed my hand over my heart, if only she knew.

Before she left, she told me her name. "My name is Dr. Johnson if you need anything." She then left through the door and ten popped her head back in and said, "Oh, also, two boys had come in earlier wondering about you."

"Do you remember what they looked like," I asked in confusion. Who wanted to see me?

"Yes they were both pretty tall. One had red hair and facial piercings, the other had dark brown almost black hair and was pretty attractive if you ask me. And honey,'you wouldn't believe what they were wearing."

I smiled lightly and said, "Could you send them in?"

Dr. Johnson smiled back and nodded. Walking out I heard her mutter something about me being lucky, once again.

Maybe I wasn't that unlucky, I thought as the door closed and I heard soon heard pounding footsteps in the hallway.

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