Chapter 20: River antics & Apologies

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Kristoff had stood next to Cal, both of them in awe at what they had witnessed. "Holly shit" Cal muttered under his breath. A tornado-like surge of power rose tall. His wolf couldn't scent any danger, so he stayed back.

The last thing Kristoff needed was to undermine Freya. He knew that would be a tipping point for them. There would be no coming back from that.
Kristoff had enjoyed the pleasure his wolf had felt at her touch, the acceptance she gave to his animal side.

 His wolf had lapped up every bit of attention Freya had given it. Now the animal was a smug little bastard. And yeah Kristoff could accept that his wolf deserved to be smug. He had been forgiven, Kristoff hadn't.

 To say he had been surprised when his wolf had presented Freya with his prized piece of amber was an understatement. Then again, he shouldn't have been too surprised.
Amber was a sign of a supernatural claiming. Similar to a human wedding ring. That Freya had accepted it so happily gave Kristoff hope.
A burst of light captured his attention. It looked as though glitter was raining down on Tillie and Jacob.

 He saw both stiffen, then their shoulders relaxed, and a radiant smile crossed Tillie's lips, Jacob looked completely zen. A look Kristoff had never associated with such a young boy. Granted he didn't know many witches.

 As he watched the impromptu lesson, Kristoff found himself distracted by Freya.
God, she was truly breathtaking. It wasn't just her body that attracted him. It was in everything she did. From the soft smile that was currently spread across her lips for the children, her protectiveness, the loyalty she demonstrated with said protectiveness. The innate power she exuded was a huge turn on. Knowing that his mate was strong enough to look after herself as well as the pack would draw any Alpha. Thankfully for him, Freya was his, and only his.
A hot lance of jealousy stabbed through Kristoff at the mere thought of any male other than himself touching her... Kristoff inhaled deeply to calm his animalistic rage. Opening eye's he hadn't realized were closed, he forced his thoughts back to Freya.

 He watched as Freya stood taking Tillie and Jacobs hands as she led them closer to the river.
To his utter shock, all three began to disrobe. A low menacing growl tinged with arousal rumbled from his throat. Luckily for his sake, Cal had turned his back. The asshole was bent double shoulders shaking with his mirth. What his friend found so funny Kristoff didn't know. Kristoff's gaze raked over Freya's body. Her generous curves were hugged by black lace. The underwear sat high on the luscious cheeks of her ass.

 When she turned their eye's locked. Kristoff couldn't hide the flinch that rocked his body at the depth of betrayal he saw etched into the strain on her face.
Long moments passed as their gazes never wavered from each other, only broken when Tillie yelled: "Aunt Freya come on!"

 The trio spent almost an hour playing in the river as he watched over them. After they were all done, they lay on the grassy bank bathing in sunlight. Wanting to join them, Kristoff shifted into his wolf and trotted over. He playfully nudged Jacobs side, licked Tillie's face to her delight. Before settling down next to his mate, placing his head on her stomach.

 He heard her long sigh, not knowing if it was one of resignation or contentment. Much to his wolfs satisfaction, her hand began to pet his head, her fingernails lightly scrapping as her hand moved. The back and forth motion lulled him into a light, restful nap.
The peace Kristoff's wolf felt whenever he was with Freya was like nothing either wolf or man had ever felt.

 As the sun faded behind clouds taking its warmth with it. Kristoff stood and trotted back to his clothes, shifted and dressed. Cal had shifted into his wolf form earlier and was now rising from his own resting place. While Shifters were comfortable with nudity, they never shifted in front of the pups as a rule. Which was why Cal was now moving deeper into the trees where Kristoff had just come from to find his own stash of clothing and dress. Minuet's later his Beta was standing by his side.

 "We need to talk about who we want for security duty for Freya and the kids" Kristoff knew Cal was right, he also knew that the wolf more than likely already had a plan. His Beta was always prepared and planned everything ahead of time. "I'm guessing you already have someone in mind?"

 Cal grinned at him "Well since you asked, as a matter of fact, I do have a plan"
Kristoff grinned at his longtime friend. The dynamics of their friendship had changed when Kristoff had become Alpha. But the change wasn't a bad one. The two of them could no longer be as carefree as they once had been. The bond between them had only grown. Kristoff wholeheartedly knew that Cal would never betray him, and Cal in turn completely trusted Kristoff to make decisions with the packs best interests at heart. He trusted Kristoff to be Alpha.
Not all Alphas or respective leaders actions were beneficial for their people.

 They all remembered a time when an Alpha who had been racked with greed. The pathetic excuse for an Alpha had wanted more land and wealth. He sacrificed his people for what he wanted. The blood of that pack had haunted many. The atrocities caused by that man were a reminder to all

 That steadfast belief not only from Cal but his pack as a whole had been the only thing that had kept him going for years.
Until them, until Freya, Jacob, and Tillie.
Kristoff was determined to make things right. He had hurt his mate. Allowing his anger and fear to cloud his rationality. His wolf had been furious with him. It was the first time in his life that his wolf hadn't responded to him.

 Turning his head in a silent indication that he was listening, Cal went on. "I think it's a good idea to rotate the guys. Pairing them up. Experienced soldiers with a new recruit. It will not only be valuable for the young ones to gain one on one experience with the Elite among the men and strengthen their bonds, but it will also no doubt forge a foundation between all the soldiers and Freya, Jacob, and Tillie."

 Cal gazed out for a moment. Then turned his attention back to Kristoff. "The pack will fight to protect what's yours because you are their Alpha, but..."
Kristoff smiled at the brilliance. "You believe this will help forge a strong loyalty to Freya and the kids directly" Cal nodded his head.
"Do it"
With that, his Beta left a wistful expression flashing across his features before he vanished.

Hours later Kristoff found himself in the uncomfortable position of wondering whether or not he would be welcomed in their bedroom. A bedroom he had, had for the better part of fifty years.
Hesitation was not a, feeling he was used to, nor did he relish it.
Facing the pain in Freya was a twisted sort of torture. He knew he deserved the punishment.
It still stung, worse than a hot iron scalding the skin of his back.
Inhaling deeply Kristoff made his feet move, from his office to the room he shared with his mate. Who may or may not strangle him in his sleep.

 As he moved through the dark house, he noted the absence of light. The last time he had known she was waiting for him Freya had left lights on for him. Now only a long dark hall greeted him.
If not for the fact that he could hear her steady heartbeat on the other side of the door, Kristoff would have thought she was in another room. The utter stillness that surrounded him was eerie.
Silently pushing open the door, he rejoiced at the fact that it was unlocked. Kristoff crept in, unwilling to disturb Freya if she were sleeping.

 Just as quietly he closed and locked the door. Turning to the bed, his eyebrows pulled down. She wasn't there. Swivelling his head, Kristoff saw that the bathroom was empty, and the closet light was off.

 As he moved, Kristoff's gaze finally found her standing by the open balcony doors. Her silhouette shrouded in the darkness of the night. A light glow encased the shape of her body. The glow sang with power. Her power.

 The clouds parted, moonlight bathed the room caressing her body, defining curves he wished to touch.
She looked ethereal, like a Goddess, contemplating the world.
There were no air currents filtering through the room, at all. The earlier eerieness solved as he realized his mate was using her magic.
Neither he nor his wolf sensed any danger. Kristoff's shoulders relaxed slightly as the tension that had gathered there during his walk down the dark hall melted away. Now he was only left with the desperate need to do something. It was in that small panicked moment when Jacobs advice smacked him in the face.

 He had to talk. It was time to tell her the truth of the Dancing wolves.

 "Freya, I'm so sorry" As he began his apology, Kristoff noted the stiffness in her shoulders, her white-knuckled grip on the balcony door handle.
"Baby I fucked up, I let anger cloud my judgement, and I ignored my wolf. I..."
Words were failing him as anguish clawed at his throat.
"Freya I'm so sorry"

 She didn't move.

 As long moments passed Kristoff waited. He wouldn't let impatience creep in. Freya had every right to hate him.
"I don't hate you"
Damn, he must have said that last part out loud.
"If you ever betray me again Kristoff I'm gone"
One sentence and he knew he had been forgiven. Kristoff also knew he still had to tread carefully. "I swear to the Goddess that I will never, ever betray you. I know I'm not perfect, and I never want to hurt you again, I just... well... I'll probably mess up again at some point I..."

 Freya cut him off "Kristoff neither of us is perfect. Perfection is an unattainable goal. Because like beauty, perfection is in the eye of the beholder." Finally, she turned to face him. Seeing that the sting of the hurt he had caused was no longer etched so deeply, more tension melted away from him. "Kristoff both of us will probably mess up from time to time. We will argue, but we have to trust in each other. If you or I allow doubt and fear to seep in and fester, especially at the beginning of us, our mating will be doomed"

 Kristoff moved to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him as tightly as he could, without crushing her. "I know Freya. There are things I need to tell you. I should have already told you. Things I hate speaking of. The history of our pack"
Kristoff felt her head nodding against his chest. Relief punched through his system as her arms finally lifted and wrapped around him, squeezing back just as tightly.

 Kristoff stood there thanking the Goddess for the amazing woman in his arms. He had no idea what he had done to have her as his, but he would forever strive to deserve her.   


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