. d r a f t . t w e n t y . two .

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Not all thoughts and feelings need to be typed, to see light of day.

Some thrive in being breathed into the shadows, even if only to be read by its writer.



My brother had returned,

To tell me he'd disappeared 

BECAUSE he needed time to digest a truth our parents had kept from him.

He wasn't their biological son.

He had been adopted at birth.

The hardest part? He wasn't allowed to share the news with me because they feared I wouldn't be able to handle it.

His response?

" I need time. Away." 

In other words?

He caught the next flight out to Turkey, to stay with the only Uncle I had but whom I'd never met, who lived in the mountains!

Over time, my parents decided him staying away was what was best/better for us, as they worried his return would cause too many questions in the community and disrupt my chances of a bright future.

We were told, he had gone to 'figure himself out' and they had no idea when he'd return. They weren't worried though, he was old enough to take care of himself (apparently).

But then he got sick ...

And he decided reaching out was probably for the best...

Only, he didn't contact me or any of our family members, mind you.

He contacted my best friend. 

Presumed it might be a little easier, to hear the news from someone who wasn't family.

That's when I'd received the texts...

From HER (My Best Friend)... 


Mum and Dad had taken me, my little sister & Anya (my cousin) on a road-trip, after my exams had ended.

They'd sensed my mixed feelings  about going to university without the two people I'd always dreamed on making memories with. 

My brother and my best friend. 

They thought a road trip would be a great way to kickstart the new semester. 


Little did they know how much of a *BREAK* it would be, no pun intended. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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