. d r a f t . f i f t e e n .

13 2 0

there are some things
you never share
(but want to)
for fear, the fears
that have lived,
inside your head
will come to life
swallow you,
leaving nothing
of 'you'
left, to call 'home'.
People ask, what it's like to be married, and I honestly never know what to say.

So, I usually try to keep things polite and brief, not really dwelling into details, unless necessary.

I sometimes wish I could explain, how awful it is to live in fear that your past will come back to destroy you one day, but until then it's like playing until
'g a m e  . o v e r '

Heartbreak comes in all different shapes and forms, the funny thing is, as a child you think, it only ever happens once so it can't be that bad, right? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but wrong! It's everything you didn't think could happen, and more!

drafted thoughts (30 Days Challenge/CPN)Where stories live. Discover now