. d r a f t . s i x t e e n .

15 3 0

How does one react,
When their life is in the fingers of another person?

Your secrets,
Your lies,
Your naked truths,
All bound together by pages,
Which you wrote.

I'd just put May to sleep in her room,
and my feet were now currently glued to the ground,
Outside my bedroom.

My mouth bone dry,
with burning cheeks,
was incapable of uttering a single syllable.

I watched on.

With each page he turned,
My heart lurched further up my throat,
Creating a wedge, making it harder to breathe.

After what seemed like days,
His neck turned to greet me,
And as our eyes clocked on each other,
Something within me snapped.

This man, wasn't my husband.

Years of pent up numbness,
Suddenly seemed to weigh down on my neck
and shoulders, heavier than rocks.

In any normal circumstances,
I probably would've run to him,
Hugged him, screamed.

He didn't seem to have aged a day!

But instead,
I shrugged my shoulders back and
stared him dead straight in the eye.

I saw the hurt evident in his eyes,
But refused to let him see me tremble.
He lost all right to see that part of me long ago.

"I had no idea..." he began, but seemed to stop himself midway.

A cough broke the silence.

A cough that didn't belong to me.

Nor him,

And that's when the cold chills ran up my spine.

I was sandwiched between two of the most important men in my life, who'd never even met.

How much more of a nightmare could things get?

drafted thoughts (30 Days Challenge/CPN)Where stories live. Discover now